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Rosie Alterman

Mr. Padgett
ENGL 102
March, 24th 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: How do cellphones have a negative impact on society?
Proposed thesis: Cellphones impair humans as they move about their everyday life.
Krueger, Chad A., MD. "The Downside of Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers."
Academic Search Complete. N.p., 1 June 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
Krueger discusses the negative impact of cellphones in the article The Downside
of Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers by discussing how society today is negatively
affected by the worlds new technology. Kreuger states, It easily, and consistently,
distracts us from the present in many of our daily activities. Most people have become
incapable of separating themselves from their smartphones or technological devices for
even more than 5 minutes. Both texting and searching the Internet can be distracting to
students during school, therefore lowering grades. We even seem happier being on our
phones than actually being present in a face-to-face conversation. Krueger discusses that
we are all guilty of checking or being on our phones at inappropriate times. The author
Chad A. Kruger,MD, is a resident member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons. This seems like a credible source because of the master of his degree. He has
personal experience with the use of smartphones today and would seem like a credible
source in this scenario. He may have his own opinion of the topic but that does not mean
the facts he is stating are not true. This article would help prove the point that cellphones

have a negative impact on society today. It really focuses on the social impact of
cellphones and the negative impact they have.
Plester, B., Wood, C. and Bell, V. (2008), Txt msg n school literacy: does texting and
knowledge of text abbreviations adversely affect children's literacy attainment?.
Literacy, 42: 137144.
In the article Txt msg n school literacy by Plester , he discusses how texting
can impact a childs language and writing skills. The article reports on two studies that
they performed on children ages 11-12 years old. In the first study the children were
asked to translate an English sentence into a text message and a text into an English
sentence. The results were, children who send 3 or more text messages a day scored
significantly less than the children who send none. However, when asked to write a text
message, the children who text more showed greater knowledge of text abbreviations.
The author of this article, Plester, works in the Psychology department at Coventry
University. However, this does not give her many credentials just because she is a
professor. Although, the fact that they conducted studies and performed test to back up
her data makes her points strong. This article could be beneficial to my research project
because it discusses childrens education and how cellphones have an impact on that.
Many people care a lot about the education of their child and this article would help
prove the point that cellphone have a negative impact. Considering Children are the
future, the fact that cell phones could have an impact on children today and their
learning skills, this article helps prove the negative impact that cell phones have.
Turley, Joanne. "Expectations and Levels of Understanding When Using
Phones among 911-year Olds in Wales, UK." Academic Search
Complete. N.p.,
13 Aug. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2016

In the article Expectations and levels of understanding when using mobile phones
among 9-11 year olds Truley discusses an experiment that was conducted to see how
mobile phones affect children ages 9-11. A sample of 57 children received a self-report
questionnaire. The questions had to do with expectations and levels of understanding
when using a cellphone. The results of this experiment show that the children have a lack
of developmental and emotional maturity. Truley states, Texting has overtaken phone
calls as the primary means of communication. Texting takes away from the emotional
aspect of a conversation and emotions are very important in social development for
children. Truley says that texting can impact a childs language and social skills. This
article was published in the Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of
Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This article seems very credible
considering an experiment was conducted. Also, this Pastoral Care in Education Journal
would be a credible source, it is filled with evidence to prove the fact that most
technology today has a negative impact on society.

Williams, John. "Cell Phones and Driving: Research Update." Minnesota House of
Representaives (2002): n. pag. 2002. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
In this article Williams discusses that using cell phones while driving is dangerous no
matter what the circumstances. Although this article is mainly focusing on the negatives
of cell phones, it also recognizes why society loves them so much; Cell phones would
not have soared in popularity if they did not offer significant benefits to consumers in the
form of mobility and convenience (Williams). This is good because it adds some contrast
into the paper. Willams states, Cell phones are popular and addicting for a reason. In the
article Williams discusses, Driver inattention has been recognized as a major contributor

to highway crashes (Williams).Distraction is one of the number one causes of car

crashes and in todays society cell phones are our number one distractions. Many people
thought creating a hands-free cell phone device would solve many of the issues, but after
conducting research, The thrust of this research is that the greatest highway safety threat
from cell phones is the way that they distract the drivers attention away from the driving
task. This threat remains largely the same whether the phone being used is hand-held or
hands-free (Williams). No matter if the cell phone is hands-free or not, the driver is still
focusing on having a conversation instead of driving. Williams works in the Minnesota
House of Representatives, therefore his work place would make many people give him
credibility in general. This article would be helpful in my paper to show yet again another
negative that cellphones can bring to out society.
Inskip, Peter D,Sc,D. "Cellular-Telephone Use and Brain Tumors NEJM." New
England Journal of Medicine. N.p., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
In this article, Inskip discuses the association between cellphones and brain
tumors. Inskip states, It is generally agreed that the heating of brain tissue by cellular
telephones is negligible Many studies have been conducted in Boston, Arizona and
Pittsburgh. But, in the end the data could no confirm that cell phones are the main cause
of the brain tumors. The author of this article, Peter Inskip is in fact a doctor, but that
does not necessarily make him a credible source. This article could bring my research
paper to a higher level. This article talks about the negative impact cell phones can have
on our society health. Although the topic of tumors seems very random, it is just another
negative impact cell phones have today.
Mobiledia. "A Nation of Kids with Gadgets and ADHD |" Time.
Time, 8 July 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

In this article Mobiledia discusses how The rise in ADHA has coincided with the
rise of mobile devices. She discusses how a childs brain with ADHD works differently
than others. She uses the example of a little boy focusing on a cell phone screen during
dinner. She states, His ability to stay focused on the screen, and not anywhere else, is a
characteristic of ADHD. This article was published in Time magazine, which makes this
article seem very credible. This article would be helpful in my research paper because it
discusses yet again another negative impact with children and cellphones.

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