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Ryland Miller

Topic Proposal
Is physical education crucial in primary and secondary school?
The purpose of my research is to prove whether or not physical education is crucial in
primary and secondary school. Many schools in the past fifteen years have cut some of or all of
the physical education in their school systems. Some oppose this standpoint, their thinking that
sacrificing time competing and staying active while in school is more important than some of the
classes that are stealing P.E.s time. While others believe that physical education is obsolete in
the school place and that there is time to be active when children and youth arent in school. This
proposes a hard answer question, is physical education beneficial in our school systems or is it
taking away time and money that could be spent on more important classes.
The significance of this topic is that it could potentially change how schools are run.
Whether that be removing P.E. from schools altogether, or adding more time for physical
education with an even larger emphasis. Either of these two conclusions could really have an
impact on primary and secondary school, and how management views its importance.
My intended accomplishment from this paper is like I stated before, just being able to
decipher whether or not physical education is truly important or not. I want to be able to have a
clear and backed philosophy for this matter.
This topic has been researched before in many different cases and looking at different
aspects of the question. Definitely with the common trend of dropping P.E. from our primary and

secondary schools, or reducing time spent doing these activities to mere minuscule amounts.
February 12
February 19
February 26
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
October 28
April 1
April 8
April 15

Topic Proposal
Establish and research first 2 sources:
Establish and research next 2 sources:
Establish and research next 2 sources:
Establish and research next 2 sources:
Complete introduction
Complete first 3 subheadings:
Complete next 3 subheadings:
Complete conclusion and abstract
Turn in 1st draft
Write peer review and receiver own peer

April 22
Write final draft
April 29
Turn in final paper
Both physical educators and management of school systems have discussed what their view is
and their standpoint on the matter.
Well first Im attempting to make an unbiased approach to this topic, and trying to gain
information on both sides of this topic. I want to be able to contrast and compare the two
different views, putting them against each other, rather than just rant about one side of the
argument. In hopes that instead of just an opinion is stated in my conclusion, but that legitimate
evidence will show whether physical education is truly vital in our school systems or not.

Research Timeline

Is physical education crucial in primary and secondary school?
A. Introduction
1. What is physical education
2. What is primary and secondary school
3. How are they related?
4. Whats the issue?
B. First Subheading: History of Physical Education in Schools
1. How physical education started
2. How and why it became added to schools
3. How it lost its importance in schools
C. Second Subheading: Roles of Physical Education
1. Physical educations roles in peoples lives
2. P.E.s values and goals
D. Third Subheading: Goals and Purpose of Primary and Secondary School
1. Purpose behind Primary and Secondary school
2. Roles it plays in peoples lives
E. Fourth Subheading: Arguments Against/For
1. Physical education expendable argument
2. Physical education is crucial argument
F. Conclusion
1. Final conclusion

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