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Ryland Miller

Research Techniques and Technology
Evaluation of Sources
Physical Education and Recess Contributions to Sixth Graders' Physical Activity.

Currency: The timeliness of the information.

No it was not.
Older will work too, but current will be better.
Some work, but there are a few that dont pull up.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

It adds to the discussion, but it doesnt answer my question.

Scholars who are doing research on physical education.
Its not too advanced, but its definitely not too simple.
Yes, this one fits well for my research.
Yes, I would use this in my research paper.

Authority: The source of the information.

Ashley Gutierrez, Skip Williams, Margaret Coleman, Deborah Garrahy, Kelly

Laurson/ No publisher/ Physical Educator. LateWinter2016, Vol. 73 Issue 1, p174-

190. 17p. / No sponsor

They all have sufficient credentials.
Yes they are all qualified.
Its on EBSCOHOST, so it is edu.

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

Yes it is supported.
Yes it has been referred to in other sources.
Personal knowledge.
Its unbiased, just research done on the topic.
Not that I could see.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

Its to inform about the topic.

Yes, their intentions were to inform scholars about the topic.
The information is results of a research project, so its all legitimate information.
No its not impartial, just doing research on a specific topic and telling the results.
No, personal experiences but not biased.

I would rate this scholarly article a four out of a five. Its good data and research that relates to
my topic well, that can be used in my research paper. Its also well written and extensive, uses
tables and a lot of usable information.

Identifying High School Physical Education Physical Activity Patterns After High School.

Currency: The timeliness of the information.

2015 was when it was published.

It has not been revised or updated.
Older will work too, but current will be better.
There are no links in the references.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

It adds to the discussion, but it doesnt answer my question.

Scholars who are doing research on physical education.
Its not too advanced, but its definitely not too simple.
Yes, this one fits well for my research.
Yes, I would use this in my research paper.

Authority: The source of the information.

David Barney, Francis Pleban, Carol Wilkinson, Keven Prusak/ No publisher/ Physical

Educator. Spring2015, Vol. 72 Issue 2, p278-293. 16p./ No sponsor

They all have sufficient credentials.
Yes they are all qualified.
Its on EBSCOHOST, so it is edu

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

Yes it is supported.
Yes it has been referred to in other sources.
This information is all from a research project, and can be correlated to other scholarly

It seems unbiased; the authors are just conducting research experiments and relaying their

There are no grammatical errors that I can see.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

Its to inform about the topic.

Yes, their intentions were to inform scholars about the topic.
The information is results of a research project, so its all legitimate information.
No its not impartial, just doing research on a specific topic and telling the results.
Not that I can see.
No, personal experiences but not biased.

I would rate this article a four and a half out of five. The article in a whole was well put together
and displayed a lot of useful information that is easily accessible. It was all easy to read and
understand, but not too simple to add in a research project. I will most likely be using this
information in my research project.

Many schools cutting back on physical education
Currency: The timeliness of the information.

July 14, 2013

No it has not been revised or updated.
Older will work too, but current will be better.
There are no links in the references.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

It adds to the discussion with the authors opinion, but it doesnt answer my question.
The public of Las Vegas, or anyone who searches for this topic of article specifically.
Its not scholarly, but it shows someones opinion on the matter, rather than facts
Yes I have looked at other sources
Maybe not, just because its someones opinion rather than facts or studies

Authority: The source of the information.

Joan Patterson/ Las Vegas Review

Shes an author for the Las Vegas Review news site.
Anyone can really be qualified; shes just speaking her opinion though.
There is a place where you can comment, or send the website a message or email.
.com, its just a site from the web

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

From Las Vegas Review website.

The author is not stating facts, just opinions or beliefs on the matter.
Not of my knowledge.
Personal knowledge I lean towards her statements and beliefs, but she doesnt have a lot

of facts on the matter.

Not really, its biased
Not that I could find

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

Entertain and persuade.

Yes she does make it clear where she stands.
Yes it does.
Personal biases.

Even though this article was just opinion rather than fact Id still give it three out of five. It
informs you on her point of view and gives a strong argument for the case.

Poll finds lack of physical education in public schools a concern of parents

Currency: The timeliness of the information.

December 2, 2013
It has not been revised or updated.
Older will work too, but current will be better.
Yes the links work

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

It doesnt answer my question, but gives credible info that will help the discussion

Scholars or people doing research on the topic.
Its from Harvards online website, so it is a more advanced but still an easy article to

Yes I looked at other sources first.
Yes this would go well with my research paper.

Authority: The source of the information.

Todd Datz/

Hes the Director of News and Online Communications on

He has experience writing but also researching, so I believe hes definitely qualified to

write on this and other topics.

Yes the authors email is included.
Its .edu, so its an educational source

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.
Yes, interviews and research were taken into account.
From researching other sources and from personal knowledge the content is legitimate.
Yes, just doing research on a subject.
Not that I could see.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

To teach but also to inform about the topic.

Its fact,research done and not personal opinions.
Not really

This article was well written and very informative; I would give it a five out five. It would go
very well in my research paper.

Foundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport (book)

Currency: The timeliness of the information.

This is the 17th edition of the book
Older will work too, but current will be better.
There are no links in the references.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

It brings a lot of discussion to my topic.

Students or professors who use this book.
Its a college textbook, so its not too simple.
Yes, this textbook has a lot of information referring to my topic.
Yes I would.

Authority: The source of the information.

Deborah A Wuest, Jennifer L Fisette / Beth Mejia/ Book

Shes an author and researcher.
Yes shes most definitely qualified.
Yes theres the publishers info.
Its a book.

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

Her research and knowledge.

Yes its well known and respected work.
Its a textbook, its informing.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

To inform
Yes, their intentions are to teach students about this topic.
No, just facts.

This book is a good, well put together book, with a lot of useful information I can use in my
paper. Id rate this five out of five, and I would definitely use this in my paper.

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