Journal 3

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Katie Klamerus

Journal 3
How to Write a Paragraph, a short manual written by Richard Paul and Linda Elder,
focuses on the fundamentals of writing and thinking effectively and with purpose. Many writers
get caught up trying to complete the big picture that they do not take their time and and focus on
the construction and development of their paragraphs, or basic building blocks of their work.
Many students today lack the intellectual discipline and writing strategies needed to improve
their writing. The guide works to provide handy techniques for students to practice in order to
improve on being able to clearly and logically convey to their reader what they are trying to
communicate. Some of these techniques include writing for a purpose, writing reflectively,
writing as an exercise for the mind, writing to learn, relating core ideas to other core ideas, and
being disciplined. In addition, the guide provides great advise and exercises for paraphrasing.
They advise writers to begin paraphrasing by writing out their original thoughts, and then
formulating them into a paraphrase of the quote itself. Also, the authors recommend explaining
why what is being discussed is so significant, and how it pertains to the meaning of the work as a
whole. Next, the authors talk about the development of a thesis and its search for meaning. First,
writers should plainly state their thesis. After this, they should elaborate on it and, furthermore,
exemplify it. Lastly, the manual touches on how to explore and analyze key ideas while still
remaining disciplined. How to Write a Paragraph is a great source for learning techniques on
how to write successful paragraphs and, in turn, papers.

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