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To Kill a Mockingbird

Study Questions for Chapters 4-7

Name: Cole Yant
Answer in complete sentences below. Include page numbers where possible.
Chapters Four and Five:
1. Explain why Scout goes back to the Radley Place one afternoon?
Scout goes back to the Radley Place one afternoon because she saw gum in a tree and wanted it.
2. What is their neighborhoods opinion of Mrs. Dubose?
The neighborhoods opinion of her was that she was a crazy, mean old lady and everyone ignored her and avoided
3. What does Jem say about the Indian-heads they find in the knothole of the tree?
Jem says that the Indian-headsthat they find in the knothole of the tree,were someone elses.
4. What new game do Jem, Scout, and Dill play?
Jem, Scout, and Dill play a new game about the Radleys, who live across the street. They mock the legends about
what has happened in their family.
5. After Atticus catches the children with the scissors, what is Jems reaction? What is Scouts and why?
After Atticus catches Scout and Jem playing with scissors, Jem wants to keep playing and Scout wants to stop
because Atticus caught them.
6. Explain why Scout becomes annoyed with Dill.
Scout becomes annoyed with Dill because he professes his love for Scout and then neglects her.
7. What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about some kind of men?
Miss Maundie tells Scout that some kind of men, are so worried about their next life instead of this one.
8. What is Jem and Dills plan to contact Boo Radley?
Jem and Dills plan to contact Boo Radley is to give him a note by sticking it through the crack of his window.
9. What order does Atticus give the children regarding Boo?
Atticus gives the children and order to leave Boo Radley alone.
Chapter Six and Seven:
Why do Dill, Jem and Scout run from the Radley Place?
Dill, Jem, and Scout run from the Radley Place because they hear a gunshot.
How does Dill explain Jems missing pant?
Dill explains Jems missing pant leg by saying that Jem lost in strip poker.

What, according to Scout, causes Jem and her to begin to part company?
Scout begins to act more like a girl because she is becoming older and more mature.


Summarize Scouts assessment of second grade.

She is unhappy.
What does Jem finally tell Scout about his pants that he retrieved?
Jem says that his pants were sewn up and hung over the fence when he retrieved them.
What do Jem and Scout realize about the carved soap figures they find in the knothole?
Jen and Scout realize that the figures are the,.
When Jem and Scout find the knothole filled with cement, what explanation does Nathan
Radley give? What does Atticus tell Jem about the tree?

Chapter 8:
Who most likely left the gifts in the oak tree, and who were they for?
Boo most likely left the gifts in the oak tree, and they were for the kids.
Why was Jem crying at the end of Chapter 7?
Jim was crying because Mr. Radley filled up the hole in the tree.
What does Mr. Avery tell the children about unusual seasons of the year?
He says they are caused by I behaved children.
What happens to Miss Maudies house?
Miss Maudies house catches fire and burns down, most likely because a candle that was warming her
flowers spread to the rest of the house.
Describe the incident with the blanket.
While the kids were standing outside in the cold, watching everyone work to put out the fire, Boo put a
blanket around Scout, and they didn't realize until they were inside.
How does Miss Maudie react to her loss? What does this tell us about
Miss Maudie says that it was good that the house burned down because it was very old. This tells us that
she thinks positive.
Chapter 9:
Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs?
Scout gets in a fight with Cecil Jacobs because Cecil called Atticus a nigger-lover for defending an
African-American in a court.
What is Atticus about to do which places his honor in question?
Atticus is about to fight for a Negro in a case, which puts his honor in question.

Who is Atticus defending, and why does he choose to take the case?
Atticus is defending an African-American named Tom Robinson, and he chooses to take the case
because he believes that even if we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us
not to try to win.
Does he expect to win the case?
He does not expect to win the case.
What do the Finches do at Christmas?
At Christmas, the Finches always pick up Scout and Jems Uncle Jack Finch at the Maycomb Junction
on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, they travel to their Aunt Alexandras house in the Landing.
How do the children feel about their relatives?
Jem and Scouts relatives seem to annoy them, so that they dont want to visit them during Christmas.
But Aunt Alexandra is apparently a good cook, so it is not oo much of a burden to visit with them.
Compare and contrast Uncle Jack with Atticus.
Both believe in equality. Atticus is more forgiving. Uncle jack believes in laying down the law.
8. How does Aunt Alexandra feel about the way Scout and Jem are being brought up?
She feels that they are being brought up in the wrong way.

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