Chapter 1 Test: Multiple Choice: (Choose One Answer For Each Question)

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Chapter 1 Test

Name: Titus Luckhaupt

Date: 11/18/15

Multiple Choice: (choose one answer for each question)

1. ______ has one or a few main roots that are thicker and longer than the other
roots and plants.
A. Taproot system
C. Node system
B. Fibrous root system
D. Blade system
2. ______, which are water- and sugar- conducting tissues, are also noticeable
in leaf blades.
A. Petiole
C. Veins
B. Node
D. Taproot
3. What does xylem transport?
A. Fibers
C. Chlorophyll
B. Cuticles
D. Water
4. _____ are extremely long, narrow cells.
A. Vascular bundles
C. Cuticle
B. Fibers
D. Xylem
5. Plants that do not have tissue are called?
A. Nonvascular
C. Epidermis
B. Vascular
D. Fronds
6. The ______ anchors the plant and absorbs water and minerals.
A. Bryophytes
C. Vascular bundles
B. Rhizoid
D. Xylem
7. Young fronds are called?
A. Rhizomes
C. Fiddleheads
B. Roots
D. Sphagnum
8. _____ are plants that do not rely on water for reproduction.
A. Seed plants
C. Nonvascular plants
B. Seedless plants
D. Liverworts

9. _____ is a seed that is not fully covered or shielded from the environment.
A. Gymnosperms
C. Angiosperms

B. Spores
D. Embryo
10. Which has seeds that are angiosperms?
A. Conifers
C. Hornworts
B. Fiddleheads
D. Fruits

True-False: (Write true or false in the blank)

_______ 11.

The special epidermal cells are called guard cells.

_______ 12.

The exiting of water through the stomata of plants is respiration.

_______ 13.

Roots often have tiny extensions called root hairs.

_______ 14.

Xylem is the opening in a leaf.

_______ 15.

Liverworts are vascular plants.

_______ 16.

Another name for fiddleheads is crosiers.

Short-answer: (Write the correct term for each definition)

17. What is caused by the presence of water inside plant cells?
18. The region where the leaf is attached is called?
19. The process of converting sunlight into food is called?

20. Is made primarily of long, hollow cells, much like miniature straws.

Essay: (Write at least two complete sentences discussing each of the following
21. Explain the differences between vascular and nonvascular plants.
22. Describe the functions of xylem and phloem.
23. Identify annual growth rings and explain how they can be used to
describe the trees history.

24. Describe the main parts are a fern.



Bonus: If God is omnipotent and all powerful, could he make a rock too heavy for
him to lift?

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