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KISS Lesson Plan

Titus Luckhaupt

Ivy Tech Community College


InTASC Standard, Description and Rationale

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas,
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of
learners and the community context.

Name of Artifact: KISS lesson plan

Date: February 7, 2016

Course: EDUC 255

Brief Description:
I created this lesson plan for 2nd grade students. Its a science lesson plan
discussing pandas. This lesson is a part of multiple lessons with a main
theme of pandas, based on the Abbie Rose and the Magic Suitcase: The Day a
Panda Saved My Life. It will cover the pandas environment, lifecycle, diet, and
threats. This lesson includes Indiana academic standards, learner expectations,
materials required, step-by-step teaching instructions, and performance

To certify my comprehension of standard #7 Ive create a KISS lesson plan.
This lesson plan summarizes my ability to plan a lesson that fits the current
study topic while strengthening the students knowledge and abilities in this
subject area. This lesson also shows my ability to meet the stringent
academic standards set by the state.

Science Standards


Standard 3: Life Science

Core Standard: Observe, ask questions and describe how organisms
change their forms and behaviors during their life cycles.
2.3.1 Observe closely over a period of time and then record in pictures and
words the changes in plants and animals throughout their life cyclesincluding details of their body plan, structure and timing of growth,
reproduction and death.
2.3.2 Compare and contrast details of body plans and structures within the
life cycles of plants and animals.

Panda Pals
Grade: 2nd

Subject of lesson: Science

Expected outcomes
Learner will:
1. Organize the lifecycle of a panda on a work text page. (2.3.2)
2. Discuss the dangers pandas face on a day-to-day basis. (2.3.1)
3. Describe the daily diet of a panda bear as compared to our own diet. (2.3.1)
Teaching/Learning Strategy:
Resources needed: Work text page, pencil, Abbie Rose and the Magic Suitcase: The Day a Panda
Saved My Life, and computer
Step 1: Begin the lesson by engaging the students with a questions, something broad such as
What do each of you know about the animal the panda bear? Take time to listen to different
responses. Then ask, Did you know that the panda is endangered? Allow time for response
then explain what endangered means.
Step 2: Then as a class read Abbie Rose and the Magic Suitcase: The Day a Panda Saved My
Life, asking discussion centered questions along the way. Now go into lecture about pandas.
First, describe the pandas living conditions and where they live on a map. Secondly, show the
lifecycle of a panda and also what they eat on a daily basis. Relate the pandas diet back to our
own diet and how we should eat healthily like the pandas do, with plenty of greens in our diet.
Then ask Why do you think pandas are endangered? And elaborate on the students responses.


Step 3: Lastly, hand out the panda work text that covers the pandas lifecycle. Monitor the
students until completion. If some students finish early have them research on the computer the
dangers pandas face and how we can do our part to save this wonderful specie.
Performance assessments:

To asses the students knowledge of the panda lifecycle hand out the work sheet page. On
this page they will have to label the pandas lifecycle even though they are mixed up. Full
completion of this page will be a direct representation of the knowledge the student has
gained. If the students answer all lifecycle questions correctly then they will earn an 100. If
the students miss 1 they will earn a 90. If the students miss 2 he will get an 80. If the students
miss 3 or more they will get a 50-70 depending on how many they missed.
4. To asses the students knowledge of the pandas diet they will have to complete the food
test. The teacher will set out various foods on a table and the students will have to identify
whether a panda would eat the food or not. Since pandas are mainly vegetarian, recognition
of the correct food will be a clear representation of what the student knows about the pandas
diet. Clear correct completion of this assignment will earn the students a S (satisfactory).
Incorrect completion of this assignment will earn the students a U (unsatisfactory).

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