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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 21, 2016

What is the eternal warfare that takes place in every life? Why should we be
aware and diligent about it? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a profound message
Ravana (the villain in Ramayana) sought wealth and
gratification of desire, utterly violating the principle of dharma.
He was a scholar par excellence. He had mastered the sixtyfour disciplines of learning whereas Rama had mastered only
thirty-two. However Rama put them into practice and thereby
digested them, whereas Ravana failed to digest them. The
indigestion on the part of Ravana arose in the form of desire
(kama), which ultimately destroyed him. While Rama was the
embodiment of Dharma,Ravana remained as the embodiment
of kama. Thus there arose a conflict between righteousness
and unrighteousness. Rama transformed Himself into the
embodiment of sathya (Truth), since He followed the principle
of dharma. Since Ravana violated dharma, he became the
embodiment of asathya (untruth). There is an eternal warfare
between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and
untruth. It is your duty to follow and practice the twin
principles of truth and righteousness.
- Summer Showers Ch2, May 20, 1996.

Reining in your senses is growing in wisdom. Baba

21 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:auh ikhVI AnwdI lVweI hY,ijhVI hr iek dy jIvn iv`c huMdI
hY?swnUM,ies qoN ikauN Kbrdwr Aqy swvDwn rihxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl sMdyS idMdy hn[
au`qr: rwvx,rwmwiex dw Klnwiek sI[aus ny Drm dI Avhylxw krdy
hoey,Dn dOlq Aqy AwpxI ie`CwvW dI sMquStI kIqI[auh,srvau`qm,bu`DImwn

sn[auh,64 klW sMpUrx sn Aqy rwm kyvl,32 klW sMpUrx sn[ies dy

bwvjUd,rwm ny aunHW klW nUM A`iBAws iv`c ilAwauNdw pr rwvx,ies iv`c
AsPl rhy[rwvx v`loN,ieh klW dw sdaupXog nw krn dw ieh is`tw hoieAw
ik auh klW, kwm(ie`CwvW) iv`c bdl geIAW ijnHW, aus dw ivnwS kr
id`qw[ij`Qy rwm,Drm dy msIhw sn,rwvx,kwm(ie`Cw pUrqI) dy msIhw sn[ies
kwrx,Drm Aqy ADrm iv`c JgVw hoieAw[rwm ny Awpxy-Awp nUM,scweI au`qy
cl ky scweI dw srUp is`D kIqw ikaoN jo aunHW Drm dw rsqw cuixAw[ikauoN jo
rwvx ny ADrm dw shwrw ilAw auh,JUT(As`iqAw) dw pRqIk bx igAw[ies
qrHW,Drm Aqy ADrm;s`c Aqy JUT iv`c AnMq lVweI dw Awgwz
hoieAw[quhwfw Prz bxdw hY ik qusIN,scweI Aqy Drm dy inXmW dI pwlxw
kro[(smr Swvrz A`iDAwey do,20 meI,1996 )[
AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux nwl hI , bu`DImqw vDdI hY[(bwbw)[

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