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Generic Lesson Plan Form- Mackenzie Elliott

Subject: Writing

Activity: Beginning, Middle, and End

Statement of Objective:
*Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D)

Setting: Whole Group/Small Group

# of Students: 25

Given the Writers Workshop 3 page writing paper, students will be able to continue the
writing process by beginning to write and to draw 3 page stories with a beginning, middle, and


Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several
loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a
reaction to what happened.
*Prepared and organized
*Available for all

3 page Writers Workshop paper- teacher edition

Writers Workshop Alphabet chart
Writers Workshop 5 step writing process chart
Writers Workshop When Im Done, Ive Just Begun chart
Check for Understanding chart
3 page Writers Workshop paper
Writing folders

*Gain attention/motivate
*Activate prior knowledge
~link/relate; assess; prepare for new
learning (e.g. vocabulary)
*State goals/set purpose
~explain task: why, what, how, and
for strategies
*Clear directions

Question: Is this paper the same or different then the paper we have been using for Writers
Workshop? What do you notice is different about this paper?

*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T)
*Organizational framework
~construct, clarify, and link concepts in
meaningful context
*Present visually, verbally,
real world (e.g. LESH)
*Model and think aloud to make visible
~language practices/processes
~learning strategies and adaptations
when and why)
~organization, relationships, and clues
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, etc.
*Clear directions
*Check for understanding
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt
probe/question (in ZPD)
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~overt and active
~instructional dialogue, think aloud,
explain, justify, evaluate, etc.
Guided Practice:
*Activity related to
*Active student participation
~provide rationale for assignment
~multi-sensory and real world
~instructional dialogue
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, think
*Check for understanding
~ensure high success rate
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,
probe/question (in ZPD)
Individual Practice:
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise

Directions WHILE MODELING writing/drawing 3 page story with a beginning, middle, and

Introduce Beginning, Middle, and End with 3 page Writers Workshop paper.
Today I am going to show you how to stretch your small moment stories across three pages
writing a beginning, middle, and end with the new Writers Workshop paper.
Begin to go through the 5 step writing process while modeling the sample story. (Think,
Picture, Say, Sketch, Write)

First Page- Beginning

I walked to the pumpkin patch.
Second Page- Middle
I picked the biggest pumpkin.
Third Page- End
I walked home
Words should be stretched across all three pages; refer to various Writers Workshop charts
Pictures should then be stretched across all three pages matching the text; color and details
should be added

Use the Check for Understanding chart; assess students thumbs and allow for additional

Provide each student with a 3 page Writers Workshop paper.

Probe them through the directions again as they begin and as needed at table seats in small
Ask students questions and offer assistance probing them through the beginning, middle, and
end of their 3 page small moment writing pieces.
Encourage students to catch a small moment, refer to the 5 step writing process, refer to the
alphabet chart, refer to the When Im Done, Ive just Begun chart, stretch out words, listen for
and write sounds, add color and detail to pictures, etc.

1 page Writers
Workshop paper
will be provided to
those students
working one on
one with

Provide the
students with the
choice of oral
response or thumb
response to the
Point to the
Workshop 5 step
writing process
Provide 3 page
Workshop paperteacher edition for
visuals while
Point to the
Workshop 5 step
writing process
chart, Writers
Alphabet chart,
and Writers
Workshop When
Im Done, Ive
Just Begun chart
Provide the
students the choice
of oral or thumb
response to the
questions; point to
the Check for
Students who
finish early can
add more detail to
the picture and
words, share the
story with a
teacher, or begin
another 3 page
Students who
dont have the
chance to finish
can complete their
3 page story the
next Writers
Point to the

Workshop 5 step
writing process
chart, Writers
Alphabet chart,
Workshop When
Im Done, Ive
Just Begun chart,
and model story
Provide verbal
praise, or
recognition to
continue a task
*Adequate time
*Students summarize content and
*Assess/identify new goals
*Link to future learning

Remind the students they can continue to work on their 3 page stories the next time they do
Writers Workshop; remind them to use their red and green dots in their writing folders.
We will be writing a lot of small moment 3 page stories with a beginning, middle, and end this
year so it is important to keep practicing every day.

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