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Homework 3

1) Derive the 16 generic equivalent positions of space group F222 using matrix
multiplication. (http://img.chem.ucl.ac.uk/sgp/large/022az1.htm) To what crystal system
this space group is related?


Is the equation that relates the interplanar

distance with the Miller indices hkl and the
lattice parameters for the triclinic unit cell.
Derive the plane distance equations for the
orthorhombic, tetragonal, hexagonal, and
cubic crystal systems.

3) For Osmium, Tungsten, Gold and Iridium:

a) Find the unit cell parameters, spacegroup and contents of the asymmetric unit cell
b) Using the space group position generators determine the contents of the whole unit cell.
c) Download the program Powdercell and calculate the diffraction pattern. Which planes
d) For a Cu K X-ray radiation, calculate with the distance equations (derived in 2) and
Braggs law (2dsin=) the position in 2 of all the diffracted peaks. Do they coincide
with the results from Powdercell?
e) What are the distances between the atoms, do they coincide with the atomic radius of
the elements? (Use Structure-info-bond length in the program)

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