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Student Safety Agreement #2 - Shop Conduct and Hand Tools / Sharpening

Wood Shop, Winter 2016 Porter Creek Secondary

Student Name:


Shop Conduct Student Safety Agreement

Students will not enter the shop unless the teacher is present.
Equipment is not to be handled unless the teacher is present and an
appropriate SSA has been read, understood, signed, and submitted by the
student to the teacher.
Care and common sense are to be used when handling or using any tool.
Always keep hands and fingers behind the tools cutting edge.
Long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry must be restrained or removed at
appropriate times.
Report any damaged/defective tools or machines to the teacher.
Keep the shop clean, replace tools as soon as you are finished using
them, and place scrap in appropriate bins.
When finished with oil, paint, or soaked rags, dispose of in special scrap
In the event of a school fire drill, or an actual fire in the shop, WALK out
quickly and calmly, with your class and teacher if possible.
Maximum appropriate PPE must be worn.
Only one operator per machine is permitted at a time.
If you are injured in any way, report to the teacher and receive treatment.

Hand Tool Student Safety Agreement

I understand that I am responsible for the safe and effective use of
clamps, chisels, hand planers, hand saws, hammers, and sandpaper. I
understand how to ensure the maintenance of good conditions and
settings of these tools.
I have seen and understand how to responsibly, effectively, and safely
operate the Tormek Sharpening System to sharpen chisels and hand
plane blades
I understand the risks associated with these tools and will act
preventatively in the shop setting.
If I am unsure of the function, maintenance, application, or expectations
associated with any of the above tools, I will ask the Wood Shop instructor
before proceeding.
I understand that the above are Shop Conduct and Hand Tool Use expectations
of the Wood Shop 10 Course, and I agree to fulfill these expectations in the shop.
Student Signature:

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