Baron 2

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‘Additionally noted were the RSP sign out sheet, Fire evacuation poster, Flow of the day, GRP poster, Calendar and weather. Ms Baron has arranged her classroom according to the TEACCH/ Structured Leaming instructional methodology. Ms Baron has small group, 1:1 and individual works stations. Additionally Ms Baron has created a space for SMILE instruction Next steps as per Weekly # 3 ensure you have students’ allergies and alerts posted. 2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective Ms Baron used verbal praise and prompts to reinforce appropriate behavior and interactions .Ms Baron easily redirected Daniel to task as he was displaying excessive talking in order to gain attention. Ms Baron stated “Daniel, are you earning your points?” .Ms Baron used the Mood Meter and TEAM Matrix to give Gotcha Bucks to Tyler for answering the questions. Next steps — The next unit would be the Meta Moment - The Meta-Moment helps students and Educators handle strong emotions so that they make better decisions for themselves and their community. The Meta-Moment is a brief step back from the situation when we pause and think before acting. We ask ourselves, how would my “best self” react in this situation? What strategy can | use so that my actions reflect my best self? Over time and with practice, students and educators replace ineffective responses with productive and empowering responses to challenging situations. They make better choices, build healthier relationships, and experience greater well being 3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 4- Highly Effective Ms Baron worked collaboratively with Speech and Language provider Ms Elizabeth Hanley. Ms Baron used various open ended question. Ms Baron gave students ample processing time. MS Baron called on all students and had students interact with one another. Time for our Think Aloud What are tools? Close your eyes and think 10 more seconds 1. Daniel - measurements (can you ask Francisco? - What do you think about when you hear the word tools?) 2. Francisco - something good (he in turn asks Tyler) 3. Tyler - needs more support Ms Baron asks if | want build a house what do I need? A pen? Ok, you're on the tight track, if | we need you write what tool would | use? Amarker Daniel - a hammer Second Think - Aloud What is weather? 3c: Engaging students in learning 4- Highly Effective Ms Baron engaged all learners. Ms Baron collaboratively worked with Ms Hanley and her Educational Assistant to ensure all students were engaged. Ms Baron incorporated the use of technology (Ipad / SMARTBaord) with an adapted book. Additionally Ms Baron kept the pace appropriate to allow all learners to process as well as ensured the interest level high with her students 3d: Using assessment in instruction 4- Highly Effective Last Revised: 01/27/16 2:07:52 PM By jsand2

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