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Student B

Realistic Fiction
At the beginning of the school year the first writing piece that Student
B did was a realistic fiction. Although he knew how to organize his
essay in a paragraph format Student B had a couple of areas that he
needed to work on and they were as follows:
1. Run-on sentences
2. Incomplete thoughts
3. Elaboration
The volume of Student Bs realistic fiction paper was one page and his
paragraphs consisted of mostly run-on and incomplete thoughts. He
had difficulty collecting his thoughts and expanding on them. It was of
best interest to encourage Student B to use thinking maps to help him
organize his ideas. After multiple practices, his writing started to
improve. In addition, to helping him write in complete thoughts, one of
the strategies that I used with him was prior to writing his sentences
he would have to say them aloud himself, and if they did not make
sense then that means it was incomplete or missing something, and
therefore he would have to add onto that sentence. So, Student B had
to say to himself each sentence he wrote until he felt that it was a
complete thought and had a understanding of it.
I also modeled to Student B that a sentence should always consists of
a subject and predicate.
Literary Essay
Student B met the target goal of increasing volume in his writing.
When comparing his writing to his first writing piece Student B most
certainly increased in volume. In addition he used transitional words
versus the first writing he did not have any. He expanded his thoughts
by elaborating more in depth when comparing to he first writing. Also
his paragraphs consisted of complete thoughts.
Student B became more confident writing papers now versus the first
paper. There is evidence that he has improved in his writing. And the
goal for the next writing assignment is for him to be better than this
last one.
With a continuance of conferring and practicing Student B will be able
to perfect his writing style and achieve the required goals.

1. To write in complete thoughts- target accomplished
2. Increase volume- target accomplished
3. Expand and organize thoughts- target accomplished
Informational Essay
For this writing unit Student B had to do research on Colonial America
and select three categories that he wanted to do research on. Student
B selected Colonial schools, homes, and hairstyles. Student B did well
on this writing piece. He applied the writing strategies he learned and
was able to successfully complete the task. For each category Student
B provided enough information to give the reader an understanding of
the Colonial schools, homes, and hairstyles.
In the final analysis, Student Bs writing progressed throughout the
school year. He was able to build his writing skills by humbling himself
and embracing the necessary tools he needed in order to write

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