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Farrell Doucet

Salt Lake Community College

EDU 1010
According to the book my top two philosophies are social reconstructionism and
essentialism (Kauchak and Eggen).
My goals for my future classroom is to challenge students, watch them grow to their full
potential, let students have freedom that allows for expression and creativity, look at students
needs and prepare lessons based on those needs, and to be objective to all students. I want to
teach students that has some straightforward instruction but still have some room to grow and
expand on their own. At the start of the year the I the teacher would lead the classroom
discussions but let the students lead classroom discussions as the year goes on. I believe that its
important for students to work towards the answers rather than being told. This will teach the
students not only the answers but different ways to find the answer and become more
knowledgeable about the subjects. I also believe that group projects are beneficial to the students
not only does it help give students another aspect of the material but also helps the students learn
how to interact in a positive manner with their peers. If something does go wrong there is
always a way to fix it, as the teacher you have to power to make changes. What I mean for being
objective for all students is that once a student has been given the correct behavior and after the
punishment has been carried out I plan to give them a new start and treat them equally like the
other students. When I was in school I saw how valuable teacher motivation and encouragement
for the students growth. I intend to motivate and encourage while teaching the students with
challenging but supportive lessons and assignments. Teaching young minds is a task that cannot
be taken lightly. It is full of challenges, frustrations, and responsibilities. However, it is a task
that is also full of excitement, wonder, and joy. I strongly believe that all children are capable of
learning, if they have the proper motivation and direction from their teachers. As a teacher I
need to aware of learning, motivation, behavior, and development methods in order to relate to
my students and push them to reach their full potential. It is my duty to see that all my students
are being motivated. They deserve my time and full attention in regards to their education. I also
want to create a classroom that is a safe learning environment for all. If students do not feel safe
in my classroom, whether it is emotionally, physically, or socially, their defense systems will go
up and learning will greatly decrease. It is important to me that my students, as well as their
parents, other teachers, administrators, and people in the community, see me as someone they
can approach, who will be fair and nondiscriminatory. I also believe in teaching content that is
meaningful, applicable, and inviting to students. If they do not see the point of the subject
matter, then they will not be interested in it. I also believe that high energy levels and a positive
attitude from the teacher are key elements to a successful learning environment. As a
prospective educator, I believe my philosophy and teaching styles may change throughout my
teaching career and I want to remain receptive to suggestions and open for improvement.

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