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Unit: Slab Pottery

Students Will Be Able To: create and design a symbolic 3-D form from flat slabs of clay by
working from the slab pottery technique.
Art History:
Slab technique
Pueblo pottery symbolism very geometric patterns
Aesthetics and utilitarian purposes of pottery
Art Production/ Goal:
Create a piece of slab pottery that shows mastery of slab technique
Maximum of 7 high and have at least 2 slabs utilized to create the vessel
Theme depicted throughout the piece - scratched, carved, rolled or attached on
Glazed after first firing, colors should coordinate with theme
Skills Learned/Activities:
Slab technique wedge, slab roller, smooth/add texture
Reinforcing corners and seems with coiling technique
Storing, glazing, and firing techniques
Daily Art Journal questions consisting of slab pottery critiques and process analysis
NJCCCS of Visual Art 2014:
1.1.8.D.1 Describe the intellectual and emotional significance conveyed by the
application of the elements of art and principles of design in different historical eras and
1.2.8.A.2 Differentiate past and contemporary works of dance, music, theatre, and visual
art that represent important ideas, issues, and events that are chronicled in the histories
of diverse cultures.
1.4.8.A.1 Generate observational and emotional responses to diverse culturally and
historically specific works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art
1.4.8.A.3 Distinguish among artistic styles, trends, and movements in dance, music,
theatre, and visual art within diverse cultures and historical eras.
1.4.8.A.5 Interpret symbolism and metaphors embedded in works of dance, music,
theatre, and visual art.
1.4.8.A.6 Differentiate between traditional works of art and those that do not use
conventional elements of style to express new ideas.
1.4.8.B.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of a work of art by differentiating between the
artists technical proficiency and the works content or form.

Pre-assessment class discussion and journal questions

Student-Teacher constructive critiques throughout production time
Post-assessment Art class rubric


Extra time for writing prompts

Repeat directions constantly
Hands on demonstrations for all learners
Redirect/keep students focused on project
Allow for choice, selection, and personalization

Provide translations of writing activities/information for ESL beginners

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