Take Of: Meaning: Start A Machine

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Take of

It was my first flight.I was nervous as the plane took off.
Fu mi primer vuelo. Estaba nervioso hasta que el avin despeg.
Look up
Fijarse en algo
We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.
Nos fijmos en el avin hasta que nos pas por encima.
Get in
How did the thieves get in?
Cmo entraron los ladrones?
Turn On
Meaning: Start a machine
Iniciar una mquina

Example: I TURNED the radio ON to get the weather forecast.

Turn Down
Meaning: Reduce volume, temperature, etc. Reducir volumen, temperatura, etc.

Example: The room was too hot, so she TURNED the heating DOWN.

Turn up
Meaning: Appear Aparecer
Example: She didn't TURN UP for class today.
Get out

Meaning: Leave the house to visit place and socialise }

Salga de la casa para visitar el lugar y socializar
Example: She doesn't GET OUT much now she has her baby.

Turn off

Meaning: Stop a machine

Example: I TURNED the TV OFF and went to bed.

Try on

Meaning: Put clothes on to see if they fit

Example: I TRIED the jacket ON before I bought it.
Put on

Meaning: Get fat

Example: He's PUT ON a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.
Call off

Meaning: Cancel

Example: The concert had to be CALLED OFF because the singer went
down with a bad case of flu
Come in

Meaning: Arrive for flights

Example: The plane CAME IN at two-thirty in the morning.
Get up

Meaning: Get out of bed

Example: I GET UP at seven o'clock on weekdays, but lie in till noon at the
Wake up

Meaning: Stop sleeping

Example: I WOKE UP at half past six this morning.
Pick up

Meaning: Improve
Example: Sales PICKED UP a bit during the Christmas period.
Dress up

Meaning: Dress very smartly

Example: It's an informal party so there's no need to DRESS UP.
Calm down

Meaning: Stop being angry or emotionally excited

Example: When I lose my temper, it takes ages for me to CALM DOWN
Get out

Meaning: Leave the house to visit place and socialise

Example: She doesn't GET OUT much now she has her baby.
Sit down

Meaning: Help someone to sit

Example: The nurse SAT me DOWN in a chair
Hurry up
When you hurry up you do something more quickly.

1. Can you hurry up and put your coat on, please? We have to leave now or
we'll miss the bus.

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