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Teacher: Tara Michael (adapted from Gair) Room/Grade: 9th Grade LS Week Of: April 4, 2016

Unit: Systems of Equations

Topic: Solving Systems by Substitution

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Standard(s) (Which state standards will this lesson address?)
A.CED.3, A.REI.6

Objective/Learning Target (What should students know and do as a result of this lesson?)
SWBAT solve systems of equations by using substitution.

Essential Questions (What are the key questions that students Materials (What materials will I need to prepare prior to this
should be able to answer by the end of this lesson?)
HOW can you find the solution to a systems of equations

Practice 6.2
Homework 6.2 pt 2 Calculators

Opening (How will I engage students in learning? How will you connect the lesson to their prior knowledge? ex. Do Now, Hook,
Discussion/Reflection Question)
Do now: Spiral Review- Keystone Prep

Lesson Presentation and Student Activity (How will I include appropriate components of Gradual Release?)
The teacher will give direct instruction on how to solve systems by substituting.
The teacher will model how to solve the system of equations by substituting.
Students will then be given an example. The teacher will ask volunteers to help with each step.
The teacher will post another example on the board. Students will then work in groups to solve the system by each completing their
own but interjecting with what steps is next.
The teacher will then put another example on the board.
Students will work independently to complete the example. A student volunteer will answer the question and show work on the
Students will then work on Guided Practice 6.2.

Differentiated Instructional Strategies (How will I meet the needs of each student? Content, Process, Product)
-cooperative learning
-teacher modeling
-direct instruction
-tiered worksheets

-use of calculators
-iPad for visually impaired student
-anchor charts

Questions (How will I scaffold my questions in a way that moves students towards the new learning? Varied, Sequenced,
Which equation looks easiest to solve for a variable? How do you use the substitution property?
How do I find the value of the other variable?


Closure (How will I assist students in reflecting

Formative: (How will I monitor student progress throughout the

The teacher will circulate during example work to identify and assist
struggling learners through re-teaching. Small group will be pulled as
Mastery Assessment: (How will I know that my students have mastered
the objective?)
Students will be able to solve systems of equation by substitution by
completing Practice 6.2 with 85% accuracy.

upon what they learned today? What homework will

be assigned to help students practice, prepare, or
elaborate on a concept or skill?)
Exit Ticket: Hand in your Practice 6.2
Reflection: Thumbs Up/Down on concept
HW: Homework 6.2 pt 2(Systems by solving)

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