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Megan Haskin

March 22, 2016

Unit 1 Essay 2


Identify three people (it would be best if both sexes and a variety of ages were represented). Individually,
ask each person to define "What is a family?" Your paper should include your subjects gender, marital
status, and approximate age as well as their complete response to the question. In addition to those three
definitions, include your own definition. Note: Most people will try to give "simple" answers. Encourage
them to give complete thoughtful answers.

I asked three different people from different age group, none of them know each other. I
asked them the question What is a family? What does that mean to you? But first Im going to
give the definition of what a family is in the textbook The Census Bureau defines family as a
group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or
adoption and residing together, all such people (including related subfamily members) are
considered as members of one family. (US Census Bureau 2011m). A distinction is made
between a family and a household. (Strong & Cohen, 2014, p. 11). The definition and is pretty
textbook I can agree and disagree with that definition, and so can the three people that I asked
this question to. The first person I asked is a female she has been married for about 37 years and
is 57 years old her answer to my question was; Family are the people who stand by you through
thick and thin. They are always there for you. They have a kind word or swift kick when you
need one. They yell at you and laugh with you and at you. They tell you the truth and have your
back. They are the only ones you can really depend on. They dont have to be related to you, they
just have to love you. The second person I asked was a male and he is single and is 24 years old
his response was; Being a part of a group of people blood or not that love you and support you
for who you are, who want to see you grow and become better every day. The third person and
last person I asked this question to was a female and is single as well and is 19 years old and her
response was; Family to me means people who love and care for one another and will always
support each other no matter what! Family will always be by your side through thick and thin.
Blood is thicker than water. Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behindStitch. As for myself What is a family? well family is not just blood related it is anyone you
let in your life that you love, support, can grow with, trust, that you just make this connection
with that cannot be broken can tell them how it is and have their back in any situation and they
will have yours. Even when you have pets like a dog you make that unconditional love with that
animal they become you and a part of your family and just have that strong bond that cannot be
I got pretty much the same answers from about everyone and including myself.
Family doesnt have to be someone related to you as of what is said in a textbook it can be
anyone human or animal that you share that love, caring, trusting, loyal bond with.

Reference List
Strong, B, & Cohen, T.F. (2014). The Marriage and Family Experience: Intimate
Relationships in a Changing Society (12th ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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