Dear Malcolm Letter PDF

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Dear Malcolm,

My name is Faith Hall, if you dont remember who I am (which you probably dont with
all your other students) I am in your T/Th class from 9:30-10:45. I sit directly in front of you if
that helps. None of my previous professors have tried getting to know their students or even
getting to know my name. However, since you are taking the voluntarily time to do this I
promise not to bore youtoo much.
I guess I will start with the all the basics. I am from Harrisburg, NC which I like to call
the melting pot of Charlotte. My town ranges from ghetto, rich, poor, to even redneck. You
name it and I am sure we got it. I have lived in the same house since I was born which is also the
house my dad built. I have two loving parents who have been together since their time at
Garinger High School (which is a lot different now than what it used to be). I am the baby of the
family or as my siblings like to say the most spoiled. My older sister Emily also followed in
my parents footsteps and married her high school sweetheart, Adam. They will be expecting their
first boy this July. Being that my sister has been with Adam since I was the age of 5, I consider
him like a brother too. My older brother Luke is 23 and is the reason why I am a very
competitive person. Do you know how hard it is to grow up with a sibling that is so much better
at everything you do? I guess I am thankful for this in the long run. Being competitive isnt
always a bad thing.
Growing up I was consumed with playing backyard football and baseball as well as
nightly ding-dong ditches with my first best friend and next door neighbor, Bobby. Having an
older brother and my best friend as a boy growing up, you could say that I was very far from a
regular little girl. I started playing sports at a very young age. I started with softball, then went to
basketball, and then to volleyball. In middle school I fell in love with volleyball. Volleyball
consumed my life from the age of 12 to 18. I played year round both with school and on national
teams. Before choosing Charlotte I was offered 5 scholarships to play volleyball however I
realized that it was not the path I wanted to take in college and for some reason decided that it
was best for me to focus on academics (I question this decision sometimes).
I attended Hickory Ridge High School. During my four years there I was active in most
clubs. Still angry at the counselors who scared us shitless that if we didnt join clubs then we
wouldnt get into college. Unfortunately I realized that was all a lie and a way for our school to
get money by my senior year. I paid this money in Key Club, Project R, Student Council, Beta
club, and National Honor Society. I was class president my junior and senior year which was a
very big learning experience. Until you are a part of a school organization, you dont realize how
much work clubs do for a school. I have yet to look for one at UNC Charlotte simply because I
did not want to have my life consumed by clubs like high school. I played volleyball all four
years and ran track my senior year. Sports have always been my specialty (being that I competed
with my older brother in sports my entire life). During my high school volleyball career I was
given the honor of making all conference two years in a row and defensive player of the year my
senior year. I only ran track my last year and literally was the only white girl on the sprinters
team. My 4by1 relay team made it to regionals, but, we sadly did not make it to states (We
probably would have been dusted anyways). Both sports and work in the community through

highschool is what I feel like shaped me most as a person. Sports taught me discipline, focus,
hard work ethics, and leadership. I feel like all of these things now are my strong attributes.
Throughout my life I have grown a passion for music. Since getting my first karaoke
machine when I was four years old I havent stopped. I built my voice from the 20 dollar karaoke
machine, to my own private concerts in the shower, to high school chorus, and now to making
my own music. Last year I picked up the guitar and have not been able to put it down. Most of
the time I have to set alarms to stop recording and playing so that I can actually study. I sing
and play anything from rock, to R&B, to alternative. If I had to choose alternative would be my
favorite. If I ever get the chance to become the famous singer every starting musician/singer
dreams to be, I will write you in my will that is only if I like your class. So always remember
that when you are assigning me all of the writing assignments Just kidding I actually love
I write songs more than anything however if I am given a good topic I can usually crank
out an interesting paper. One problem I face with writing is trying to fit too much into a small
amount, sometimes I get carried away and write too much. Which I dont actually think is real
saying but we will use it for the time being. Trying to write about something that is interesting is
hard for me sometimes to condense in only 3 pages since I sometimes get carried away and
include too much information. Notice I underlined the word interesting Dont get me wrong I
love writing but not when its about how rocks have evolved over the years or the creation of
cloth or some other random and uninteresting topic. Usually with those types of papers I will bull
shit my way through but if I am assigned them I will give GOOD bull shit. Which there is a
difference between the two.
I am a perfectionist and I strive to be the best at anything I do, I know that many times I
will not be, however I will always try my hardest. This is something I am sure you will notice
while I am in your class. Right now I am studying international marketing due to my love for
traveling. I have been to Haiti, Ireland, and London. I plan to study abroad for a semester my
junior year, but currently unsure of where I will choose. I am a multipotentialite which is
something that I learned in my western history and culture class last semester. This is defined as
someone who doesnt have just one true calling, it is someone with many interests and many
pursuits. Yes this word was made up, however, I use it very freely now. This is what describes
me best and I am very proud to be one yet I face many challenges from this as well. You may
think How could having many interests and ambitions be a bad thing? But the problem is that
college really isnt a place for us like myself. They want someone who knows exactly what they
want and they lead you through the courses for that one degree. The problem with
multipotentialites like myself is having to choose that one thing. If you have any tips that would
be awesome.
I have learned more about myself the past 5 months than I have at any point in my life
and I continue to keep learning and growing as a person each day. The one thing I know to do is
to keep my roots and my values with me in all things I do while being at UNC Charlotte. I am
rooted in Christ and strive to spread happiness to others. I am a talker which I get from my
wonderful mom. I know the saying is I could talk to a wall but I really sometimes

doEspecially after cramming 10 hours of studying for an exam. I am a listener as well and
have been told I give pretty good advice from my friends (mostly in the boy department of
course). Unfortunately I have had very bad taste in guys before so I guess the nominated me to
be the advice giver. If you ever need any boy advice let me know...just kidding. That would be
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that I plan to give you my best this semester. Like I said
before I am a hard worker and determined to succeed in this class. I hope this letter wasnt all too
boring, I usually hate talking about myself but since this was assigned I had no choice. Have fun
reading all the others!
Faith Hall (not Hill like the famous country singer)
P.S. Here is a picture so you remember

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