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Long Nguyen

EDU 5310
Classroom Management Plan

I have a strong belief that knowledge is power. When children are
learning, experiencing, knowing, and understanding, they increase
their potential in life. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to learn, is
what I strive to achieve with each and every one of my students.
To ensure that all students are engaged in learning, our
classroom must reflect an environment that nature and help students
grow. When students enter my classroom, they will enter a safe and
positive environment. In this space students are free to express
themselves because all students are treated with respect.

Preventative Technique:
Classroom Rules: In this classroom, my students will be the one
creating the classroom rules. They will be held accountable for their
decisions because the rules that are in place are the ones they created
and agreed to. Once created, rules will be posted on the wall, at an eye
level, so all students can easily access the information.

Expectations/rules will be short and concise

There will be no more than 5 rules in the classroom
Students must sign the classroom rules after its creation
All rules must abide by the following principles:
o Respect

o Responsible
o Safe
Group Work Rules: For a community to be cohesive, students must
learn to communicate and trust each other. In a cohesive community,
there is open communication. People share freely what is happening,
what they need, and what they are worried about. In safe, accepting
communities, peoples individual differences and different needs are
openly acknowledge (Sapon-Shevin, 2010). My classroom will
provide students ample opportunities for collaborations between peers.
Whether though small peer readings, large weeklong projects, and
everything in between, students will be spend long hours together.
Students are expected to keep these things in mind while working in
groups for any assignment/task:

Work as a team
Everyone participates
12-inch voices
Stay on task

Individual work: There are also certain times when students will be
required to work individually. During this time students are expected to
follow these certain rules:

No talking
Focus on task
Find appropriate/productive work to do after individual task is

Raise your hands for questions

Class Job: In my classroom, each student will have a class job. Class
jobs will be selected through a written essay in which students will
state what jobs they want and why they feel they should be given the
job. Jobs will be rotated each month and no students will have more
than one job per month. These jobs will provide students opportunities
to learn responsibility, develop a work ethic, and experience real world

Teachers Assistant The student in charge of this job will assist

the teacher with daily tasks. Task can include but is not limited
to: taking attendance, going through expectations/procedures,

collecting tardy slips, run errands, etc.

Line Leader The student in charge of this job will have the
responsibility of holding doors opened for the class. It is also
their responsibility to maintain a straight and quiet line while

walking through the hallways.

Whiteboard/Smartboard technicians (two students) These
student in charge of this job will write daily assignments, notes,
and other comments, as well as wipe and clean the board. They

will also turn on/off and calibrate the smartboard

Homework collector The student in charge of this job will collect
and correct homework assignments. There will be some
homework that only teachers will be able to grade. However, for
daily math/reading/writing homework, this student will make sure

that assignments are fully attempted and is relevant to its

Room organizers (three students) The students in charge of this
job will be responsible for taking down and putting up extra
chairs, making sure computers, plants, and other inanimate
objects are straight and organized. They will also be responsible
for maintaining the cleanliness of the room by performing weekly

sweeping of the desks and floor.

Environmentalist (two students) The students in charge of this
job will collect and sort out trash and recyclables. At the end of
each week, the garbage men will collect all the trash/recyclables

and take it down to the dumpster.

Lunch helpers (two students) The students in charge of this job
will make sure that their classmates keep the cafeteria clean and
spotless. It is not their responsibility to clean up after their

classmates, but to ensure that others are not littering.

Substitutes (two students) The students in charge of this job
will act as the replacements for other students that are absent
for that day. They will perform the jobs of the absentee until that

student returns to class.

Banker The student in charge of this job will collect and
distribute class money. They will also be responsible for extra
materials such as pencils, erasers, and markers. If students need
additional supplies, they will have to pay the banker in exchange
for any goods.

Substitute guide The person in charge of this job will assist the
substitute with the class procedures and any other unfamiliar

task that he/she might need.

Phone Operator The person in charge of this job will answer and
gather information for the teacher whenever he or she is not in

the classroom.
Paper Passer The person in charge of this job will be responsible
for passing out any notes that needs to be worked on or take

Classroom rewards: As with any job, compensation is given to those

who performed an act of labor. However, in my classroom students
arent given any sort of money. Instead, students must understand that
their job is an important part of a balanced community. What they do is
vital to the functioning of the classroom and without them doing their
job, others will suffer and our community will fall apart. I will
emphasize the need for a balanced and working community and their
importance in maintaining it.

Team Building: Team Building will be focused on at the beginning of the

school year and at the beginning of every other month. There will also
be a compliment jar reading at the end of the day, every Friday. A
compliment jar is a bucket/jar filled with compliments that students will
write about their fellow classmates. At the end of each Friday, we will

spend a few minutes reading out one or two compliments students

have made for each other. Whoever receives a compliment will earn
some candy.

Assembly Behavior: Assembles, like any other event, is a great place

for students to practice and demonstrate appropriate behaviors. In
order ensure that all students are actively engaged and behaving
properly, we will practice appropriate assembly behavior and review
common inappropriate behaviors. I will also preface to students my
intentions and consequences. This way they will understand what Im
looking for. Consequences of misbehaviors are: missing out on the rest
of the assembly, writing an apology letter to those who were affected
by misbehavior, a talk with me.

Seating Charts: To build a strong community, students must get to

know each and single person in their classroom. Thats why each
month there will be new seating arrangements. This way, students who
dont normally interact with one another will get the chance to. I will
create seating charts based on students academic level, behavior
issues, social skills, and any other needs.

Attention Grabber: I will use many different methods to gather my

students attention. For the classroom setting:

Give me five
Hand claps
If you can hear me clap

For the auditorium and outside settings, instead of yelling at students

over and over again until I get their attention, I will use sounds.
Sounds, which are predominantly right-brain oriented, tend to cut
through the students left-brain chatter much better than a teachers
voice. (Smith, 2004).

1 whistle means stop and focus on me

2 whistle means line up

Supportive Techniques:
Building a safe and respectful community is a yearlong process.
Occasionally there will be a slip up or 300. Along the way I will gently
remind students of our classroom structure and expectations through
these various techniques:

Body language (teacher face, shake of the head, hands behind

Class practice Students will practice and demonstrate

appropriate behavior (how it looks, what it sounds like)

Hand signals (fingers to eyes, pointing, finger wag, high-fives)

Intervention Techniques:
Consequences are a necessity of the classroom. Not all students are
perfect and every so often there will be a disruption that requires

intervention techniques. In most cases, disruptions are minor and can

be quickly stopped with little to no difficulty. The major need is to end
the misbehavior. It is usually necessary to name the student, identify
the misbehavior and indicate what behavior is needed. The request
should be quietly spoken, if possible at close quarters to the disruptive
student, and spoken succinctly and clearly. (Clark, Pittaway, 2014).
When minor disruptions occur, students will:

Have to move to another table

Have a talk with me

For more serious disruptions, things that may affect the whole class,
caused by the whole class and harm someone physically or
emotionally; more drastic consequences will be delivered.

Apology letter
Lost of privileges
Phone call home
Principals office

Procedures: A functional classroom is a classroom where procedures

are routine. In my classroom, we will spend a large portion at the
beginning of the year going through procedures and getting students
familiar with how the class is ran. Procedures will also be repeated and
practiced whenever the classroom slacks off.

Morning: A big part of building a community is to make the

environment comfortable and safe for students. Greeting and showing
students as they enter the room gives the perception that their room is
a warm and relaxing space. And we all know that creating a
comfortable space leads to risk taking, which leads to learning. A
typical day in the classroom will be as follow:
Beginning of the day:

Quietly walk into class

Gather necessary materials (All materials should be taken out of

the backpack before entering the classroom)

Quick check-in (Students will fill out a small form which tells me
how their day is going) This will give me a sense of where they

are, emotionally, for the day

Begin morning work (Work will be displayed on the SMARTboard)
Take attendance

End of day:

Gather materials to take home

Clean up desk/put away materials
Perform necessary jobs
Write out homework assignments on the board
Pass out assignments/notes/letters
Put up chairs
Compliment Jar (Fridays)

Transitions: The goal of transitions is to make the flow of the classroom

smooth and effortless. I want students to move through their routine as
quickly and carefully as possible.

Walking into the class:

o Students will walk into the classroom with all their

o They will quietly gather up what they need, take down their

chair, and begin working on their work

Changing into different subjects:
o Each student will be assigned a number. With those
numbers I can call upon certain groups to perform an
action as the other group waits or perform another action.
E.g. Even numbers go put away your math while odd
numbers get out your books.
o Students will be timed and tables/students that are ready

first will be rewarded

Bathroom Break: Students in 4th grade do not need to be baby
sat, so whenever students need to use the restroom, theyll
simply write their name in the designated bathroom break
signature area on the whiteboard and go. A couple of rules will
be placed above the restroom signature so students can see
them. The rules will also be discussed at the beginning of the

o Only one male and female student at a time
o Your name must be crossed off once you return
o No more than one break each hour
Sharpening Pencils
o If students need to sharpen pencils, then do it.
o Be aware of those around you, specifically if people are
o Wait till they finish, then sharpen
Drinking Fountains

o Students will be asked to place a water bottle on their desk

in order to keep hydrated and reduce the time spent
walking to and from the drinking fountain
o Observe to see if there are people at the drinking fountain

before getting up for a drink

Lining up
o Students will get to line up when they show me that their
Theyre sit up straight
Hands folded
o They will walk quietly up to the front of the door
o They are to remain quiet throughout for the entire time

theyre in line
Managing students work:
o Each day students will have completed homework out on
their desk ready for grading and submitting
o Incomplete work will not be accepted and must be redone

Communication with Parents/Guardians:

Questionnaire about their home life, expectations, concerns, and

how they can be contacted is sent home on the first day for

parents to fill out

Homework/letters/miscellaneous notes will require a

parents/guardians signature before returning to school

Email will be used to inform parents of upcoming events.
Additionally, students can submit homework and writing through

Letter to Parents will be given to parents before school begins as
a way of introducing myself


Maggie, C. Pittaway, S. (2014). Becoming a Teacher: Knowledge, Skills

and Issues, 6th ed. Australia: Pearson.

Smith, R. (2004). Conscious Classroom Management: Unlocking the

Secrets of Great Teaching. Conscious Teaching Publications.

Sapon-Shevin, M. (2010). Because We Can Change the World :: A

Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom
Communities. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University.

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