VPN Design Proposal

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VPN network Design proposal

Table of Contents
Abstract: ................................................
3Description: ....................................................................................................
3 Network
requirement .................................................................................................
3 Network infrastructure
analysis. ................................................................................
4 Network
diagram ........................................................................................................
4 Network and System Integration
Plan .......................................................................
5IP Network
Design .....................................................................................................
5TCP/IP network design for LAN
users ......................................................................
5Router configuration
tips ...........................................................................................
6Hardware and
Software ..............................................................................................
A VPN network design proposal for an organization with different branches
An organization has three offices. The main office is in California in USA,
one branch office in London in UK and the second branch office in Bangalore,
in India.The main office has an Email server and File server. The following are
Network requirement
All the three offices should be interconnected with each other using
The users at all the location should be able to access the email and
Users at all the locations should have access to internet, and should not
berouted through the VPN network.4.
Appliances like routers to setup the network.5.

Identify additional requirements like public ip addresses, internetconnections

Identify the IP network schema for all the locations.7.
Identify the methodology to route internet traffic separately and not
throughthe tunnel.

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