Gelatin Recipe: Ingredients

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Gelatin recipe


1 envelope of gelatin
1 liter of water
1 pound of strawberries or the fruit you like.
condensed milk (optional)

Steps to prepare the gelatin

First we put a half-liter of water in a pot and then boil it.
Next we open the envelope of gelatin and put the powder in a bowl and mixes
with the boil water.
Moving it until the powder is completely dissolved.
After that we mix it with a half-liter of cold water and put the strawberries. You
can put as many of strawberries as you want.
Then we put the bowl in the refrigerator and leave there for two hours
approximately until it condenses.
Finally we take it out of the refrigerator and serve it in a plate. We can put some
condensed milk if we like.

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