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Mendeleiev Atoyac Gomez Martinez


What happened?

In the history of my wife when she was just seven years old and had really wanted
to go visit Disney with his brothers and cousins but could not go to Disney park
conducted the paperwork to get their passports and wait a few days to processed
after your visa pick them up and gave them and could go to realize their dreams of
going to Disney bought the trip to the park excited by the news that his parents
gave him and waited a long time, after trying to buy their plane tickets lacked space
and a passenger were sad because they thought they could go, after some
arrangements of their parents were able to complete the quota of the plane , they
were finally able to fly to the Disney park, they finally reached the park of Disney
were very surprised , did not know which game to start or what to do finally
dissented ride the cups princesses and their cousins to the bumper cars , tested in
almost every game they could, in some could not up that had no age or height, fu
the most fun I had as a child with his family ,they returned with many happy

memories in toys and many photos on their favorite cartoons , much I loved going
to the Disney park

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