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Siebel 8.

0 Essentials

Catalogs and Master Data

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Module 7: Catalogs and Master Data

Module Objectives

To identify how master data is organized into catalogs and categories

To identify how users are classified into access groups

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Business Requirement
Organizations have large amounts of data which must be

classified, so that it is easy to organize, navigate and search data
controlled, so that users have access to only relevant data
For example, companies want different sales divisions to have access

to different product lists


Siebel applications provide mechanisms for:

Organizing and classifying large amounts of static, referential data
Organizing users into groups for appropriate data access

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Master Data
Master data is static, referential data managed by administrators
It includes data such as:

Auction items
Resolution items
Training Courses
Visibility is controlled by:

Access Groups

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Catalogs comprise of the categories hierarchy.
Dont contain master data themselves
They are created to contain specific subset of master data
For example, customer documentation for credit card accounts

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Catalogs are declared as either public or private.

Public catalogs are visible to all users
Categories within public catalogs may still be declared private

Private catalogs have their visibility limited to only access groups associated
with them

categories in a
public catalog
may still be

Catalogs and Master Data

Categories within
private catalogs
are private

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Catalog Types
Catalogs should have a catalog type
Seed catalog types include:

Catalog type is used when querying for master data

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Categories are nodes in a catalog that contain:
Master data

Other categories
They are not shared between catalogs
However, two catalogs may have categories with the same name
Categories maybe declared as public or private
If a category is private, all of its sub-categories are also private

Private categories have their visibility limited to specified access groups

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Categories: Example
Although Categories B and C contain a Subcategory with name A,

these two Subcategories are distinct

Since Category B is private, Subcategory A of Category B is also

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Access Groups
Access Groups are collections of positions, user lists, organizations

and households used to access private catalogs and categories

They cannot contain individuals such as employees and users
To add an individual, create a user list with that individual as a member

Create User Lists in

the Administration
Group > User Lists
view and attach it to
an access group

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Access Group Hierarchies

Access Groups can be organized into a hierarchy
Child access groups inherit all of the access granted to its parent,

hence have more privileges than the parent

Hierarchical organization is useful to grant more privileged users
greater access

Child Access

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Access Control
Access control is done by assigning access groups to catalogs and


Individual records cannot be controlled like in customer data

Access is not inherited along the category hierarchy, and hence

access groups must be assigned to every category and catalog

requiring access

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Access Control
An access group can be assigned to a category only if:
The access group is assigned to the categorys parent, or

The access group is a child of an access group attached to the parent of the

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Access Control
Removing a parent access group from a category removes all the

child access groups from all its sub-categories

Example: Suppose access group Y is a child of access group X

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Building a Catalog
1. Create the catalog
2. Add categories to the catalog
3. Associate master data with the categories
4. Declare catalogs or categories private
5. Create access groups
6. Assign access groups

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Create the Catalog

To create a catalog, navigate to Administration-Catalog > Catalogs

Create a new catalog
Specify the name
Specify the catalog type
Specify other options

By default, a
catalog is marked
active; mark it as
inactive to make it

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Add Categories to the Catalog

Drill down on the catalog name to navigate to the Categories view.
Add categories to the catalog

Drill Down on
the catalog to
see its

Catalogs and Master Data

Use these buttons for


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Associate Master Data with Categories

Select the appropriate tab in the Categories view to add master data to

the category

For example, add

products data to
the current

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Declare Catalogs or Categories Private

To do so, set the Private Flag at the catalog or category level
Sub-categories are automatically marked as private

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Create Access Groups

To create access groups, navigate to Administration-Group > Access

Create the access group hierarchy as required
Create parents first, then the children
Specify parents for child records

Specify Parent
Access Group for
a child access

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Create Access Groups


Add positions, organizations and/or user lists to the access groups

Click New to add

parties to an
access group
Access group
Members may be
organization or
user list

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Assign Access Groups

Assign access groups to catalogs or categories
Use the Cascade button to automatically assign an access group to all child

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Access Control Summary

Access Control


Determined by

Customer Data

Master Data
Determined by




Determined by

Determined by

Determined by

User ID



Catalogs and Master Data

Access Groups
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Customer and Master Data

Customer Data:
Is dynamic and transactional (can be updated)

Is created and managed by the users of the application

Access is controlled at the record level
Master Data:
Is static read-only material to the end-user

Is created and maintained by company administrators

Access is controlled at the catalog and category level

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Module Highlights
Catalogs are containers for categories
Catalogs are marked private to restrict access to certain access

groups only
Categories contain master data
Categories are arranged in a hierarchy within a catalog
Categories can also be marked as private

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In the lab, you will:
Navigate catalogs, categories and access groups

Restrict access to master data contained in categories

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