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Vivian Heyl

Diana Watkins
Composition II 9:00 A.M.
11 February, 2016
Gastro-diplomacy: Annotated Bibiliography
Azad, Abul Kalam. " Mango Tree, National Tree | Bangladesh | BBC Thompson
Reuters Dueche Wells, 15 Nov. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
It is true that Bangladesh is named the National Tree because of the mango.
Beard, James. James Beard Quote. BrainyQuote. Xplore, 2001. Web.16 Feb. 2016.
Food is our common ground, a universal experience. This is a thematic provision to help
define gastro diplomacy and an argument for my essay.
Berzok, Linda Murray. "Storied Dishes: What Our Family Recipes Tell Us about Who We Are
and Where We've Been | DeepDyve." DeepDyve. Praeger, Nov. 2010. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
Berzoks book was a satisfying experience in relating who you are in realms of cooking
and food and how she uses recipes, family, and community of stories as a tool for cultural
diplomacy. Berzok has an untold amount of recipes from American to Zen in cultural
experiences. I found the mention of our Foremothers persuaded many emotions about
food and politics within families, within community, and within our nation as related to
food (22-53). Lost Times places a reminder of history of many cultures lost (54-81).
The chapter Restoring Balance explores the experience of simulating from the past
recipes to harvest the art of living after Hurricane Katrina where Berzoks recipe book
was lost. (54-81). There are many Life Lessons to be understood as naematallah or
under the Grace of God experiences, enriched with touches of flavor. I have often
wondered how to make Macarona Bchamel with sauce and baked in a casserole (102127). Bonding Together memories of Hot Milk Cake with Berzoks mother had brought
much change for setting the table for community of meals (128-157). Finally, Coming

Into Our Own was learning how to make latke pancakes, chicken soup, and Madhuri
Chole as simmering as a Wedding in Des Moines Iowa (158-198). I found a flavorful
story in every recipe as I learned about gastro diplomacy. I found this from the Oklahoma
State University Library, particularly because I found similarity with the ideas, I had in
mind for this essay this is a great resource for my essay.
Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva, and Areila Pelaia. "What Are the Four Mitzvot of Purim?"
Religion & Spirituality., Spring 2016. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
Both authors are experts on Judaism. In my research for food customs of the Purim
celebrating the honor of Esther annotated book of the Bible; this website contained many
fun facts about this Jewish Holiday.
Lakkad, Darshita. "Mango Pickle - Aam Ka Achar - Keri Nu Athanu." Gujarati Recipes. Creative
Commons Attribution, 11 May 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
An international delight of cuisine using mango.
Na. "Green Moong Dal Recipe | Green Gram Curry Recipe." Swasthis Recipes. SWASTHI.B, 21
Nov. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
Red gram curry made from India.
Rockower, Paul. "The Gastrodiplomacy Cookbook." The Huffington Post., Spring 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
Paul Rockower is the Communications Director for Public Diplomacy Corps., and is the
Executive Director of Levantine Public Diplomacy. It is his responsibility to inform and
educate the public of the multi-national campaigns in relation to gastro diplomacy.
Recently Korea and Taiwan have been engaging in culinary diplomacy to increase

recognition of their nation brands. Allowing the use of $40 million funding by the United
States to promote Korean culinary classes and support students through grants and
scholarships. To every American a means to experience culture through food without the
distance of overseas.
Kapoor, SanJeer. "Aam Ka Panna Vegetarian Recipe | Cooking with Love by Master Chef
Sanjeev Kapoor." Sanjeev Kapoor. N.p., 2013/2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
Summer mango drink made in India.
Stream, Carol. "Esther 7, New Living Translation (NLT)." Esther 7, New Living Translation
(NLT). Tyndale House Publishing Inc., 2007. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
The use of culture and diplomacy found on the You Version of the New Living
Translation is spoken through a biblical prospective. Queen Esther invites King Xerxes
and Haman to a banquet where she requests that the King grant her life and the lives of
her people. As Hamans wicked plan to slaughter the Jews was unveiled to Esther through
her relative Mordecai. When the King finds Haman lying on Queen Esthers bed with
hands on her, King Xerxes decides to hang Haman on a pole. There are people who
disagree that the Bible is not a valuable source, however it is applicable because it
illustrates gastro-diplomacy. The source is a New Living Translation. I will use this in my
essay as an example of gastro-diplomacy.
Zhang, Juyan. "The Foods of the Worlds: Mapping and Comparing Contemporary
Gastrodipomacy." International Journal of Communication. (by-nc-nd), 2015. Web. 10
Feb. 2016
Zhangs article contains many rich resources and examples of gastro-diplomacy and its
intent. He used the (UK State Banquet, 2003), the (Bush and Putin Summit, 2001),
and a common example of President Bush feeding the Chinese president Jiang Zemin
with Southern-fried catfish, barbequed brisket, and pecan pie (Eckholm, 2002, in.

Zhang, 568). Zhang mentioned food as a nation-branding tool where he used the example
of Cafe de Columbia Campaign where Caf de Columbia branded for top-quality
coffee. Similarly, the use of diplomacy branded Argentina as having the best beef and
wine, as they were reported sending beef and wine to Washington DC. Zhang includes
studies that examine the use of food for public diplomacy which have been growing and
has finalized the industrys desire to globalize their cuisine. Many have strategized and
have done well by this diplomacy. Zhang suggests that the use of branding themes is to
target audiences with memorabilia in guise of diplomacy. Messages appeal to all
positions and use overall game plans to campaign as planned to profit. Zhang uses six
nations to compare gastro-diplomacy campaigns as they try to host the world industry,
mapping out their logo and branding theme through messages of appeals. I found this
resource reliable because of Zhangs credentials as a professor. I am not sure how I will
use it, but I probably will use the examples of gastro-diplomacy in this article.

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