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If the number of bits per sample in a Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) system is increased from 5 bits to 6 bits, the
improvement in signal to quantization noise ratio will be
(a) 3 dB
(b) 6 dB
(c) 2pi dB
(d) 0 dB
2). The minimum sampling frequency (in samples/sec) required to reconstruct the following signal from its samples without

X(t) = 5 (sin 2 sin

(a) 2 103

(b) 4 103

(c) 6 103

(d) 8 103

3). The minimum step-size required for a Delta-Modulator operating at 32 K samples/sec to track the signal (here u (t) is the
unit-step function)
X t

125t u t u t 1 250 125t u t 1 u t 2 So that slope-overload is avoided, would be

(a) 2-10

(b) 2-8

(c) 2-6

(d) 2-4

4). Increased pulse width in the flat top sampling leads to

(a) Attenuation of high frequencies in reproduction
(c) Greater aliasing errors in reproduction

(b) attenuation of Low frequencies in reproduction

(d) no harmful effects in reproduction

5). In delta modulation, the slope overload distortion can be reduced by

(a) decreasing the step size
(b) decreasing the granular noise
(c) decreasing the sampling rate
(d) Increasing the step size
6). Four messages band limited to W, W, 2W and 3W respectively are to be multiplexed using Time Division Multiplexing
(TDM). The minimum bandwidth required for transmission of this TDM signal is
(a) W
(b) 3W
(c) 6W
(d) 7W
7). The signal cos C t 0.5cos m t sin c t is
(a) FM only
(b) AM only

(c) both AM & FM

(d) neither AM nor FM

Common Data Questions 8, 9 & 10

A speech signal, band limited to 4 kHz and peak voltage varying between +5V and - 5V is sampled at the Nyquist rate.
Each sample is quantized and represented by 8 bits
8). If the bits 0 and 1 are transmitted using bipolar pulses, the minimum bandwidth required for distortion free transmission is
(a) 64 kHz
(b) 32 kHz
(c) 8 kHz
(d) 4 kHz
9). Assuming the signal to be uniformly distributed between its peak values, the signal to noise ratio at the quantizer output is
(a) 16dB
(b) 32dB
(c) 48dB
(d) 64dB
10). The number of quantization levels required to reduce the quantization noise by a factor of 4 would be
(a) 1024
(b) 512
(c) 256
(d) 64
11). The Nyquist sampling rate for the signal s(t) =
(a) 400Hz
(b) 600Hz

{sin500 t t } x {sin 700t }

(c) 1200Hz

(d) 1400Hz

12). Coherent Demodulation of FSK signal can be effected using

(a) Correlation Receiver
(b) Band pass Filters and Envelop Detectors
(c) Matched Filter
(d) Discriminator Detection
13). Source Encoding in a digital data communication system is done in order to
(a) Enhance the information transmission rate
(b) Reduce the transmission Errors
(c) Conserve the transmitted power
(d) Facilitate clock recovery in the receiver
14). A source generates three symbols with probabilities 0.25, 0.25, 0.50 at a rate of 3000 symbols per second. Assuming
independent generation of symbols, the most efficient source encoder would have average bit rate as
(a) 6000 bits/sec
(b) 4500 bits/sec
(c) 3000 bits/sec
(d) 1500 bits/sec
15). In the output of a DM speech encoder, the consecutive pulses are of opposite polarity during time interval t1tt2. This
indicates that during this interval
(a) The input to the modulator is essentially constant
(b) The modulator is going through slope overload
(c) The accumulator is in saturation
(d) The speech signal is being sampled at the Nyquist rate

16). Four independent messages have bandwidths of 100 Hz, 200 Hz, and 400 Hz, respectively. Each is sampled at the
Nyquist rate, and the samples are time division multiplexed and transmitted. The transmitted sample rate (in Hz) is
(a) 1600
(b) 800
(c) 400
(d) 200
17). If the number of bits per sample in a PCM system in increased from 2 to 3 improves SNR will be improved
(a) 3dB
(b) 6dB
(c) 2ndB
(d) 0db
18). A PAM signal can be detected by using
(a) An ADC
(b) An Integrator

(c) a Band pass filter

(d) a high pass filter

19). A 1 KHZ signal is flat top sampled at rate of 1800 samples and the samples are applied to an ideal rectangular LPF with
cut-off frequency of 1100 Hz, then the output of the filter contains
(a) Only 800Hz component
(b) 800 Hz and 900 Hz components
(c) 800 Hz and 1000 Hz components
(d) 800 Hz, 900 Hz and 1000 Hz components
20).The signal to Quantization noise ratio in an n-bit PCM system
(a) Depends upon the sampling frequency employed
(b) is independent of the value of n
(c) Increases with increasing value of n
(d) Decreases with the increasing value of n
21). In a PCM system with uniform quantization increasing the number of bits from 8 to 9 will reduce the quantization noise
power by a factor
(a) 9
22). Flat top sampling of low pass signals
(a) Give rise to aperture effect
(b) implies oversampling
23). Quadrature multiplexing is
(a) The same as FDM
(c) a Combination of FDM and TDM

(c) leads to aliasing

(d) Introduces delay distortion

(b) the same as TDM

(d) Quite different from FDM and TDM

24). A band limited signal is sampled at the nyquist rate. The signal can be recovered by passing the samples through
(a) An RC filter
(b) an Envelope detector
(c) a PLL
(d) an ideal low pass filter with appropriate bandwidth.
25). The nyquist sampling interval for the signal sinc (700t) + sinc (500t)
(a) (1/350) sec
(b) (/350) sec
(c) (1/700) sec

(d) (/175) sec

26). During transmission over a communication channel, bit errors occur independently with probability p. if a block of n bits
is transmitted, the probability of at most bit error is equal to
(a) 1 (1 p) n
(b) p + (n-1) (1-p)
(c) np(1-p) n-1
(d) (1-p)n + np (1-p)n-1
27). The bandwidth required for transmission of a PCM signal increases by a factor of ---------when the number of
quantization levels is increased from 4 to 64.
28). In a PCM system, if the code word length is increased from 6 to 8 bits, the SNR ratio improves by the factor
(a) 8 / 6
(b) 12
(c) 16
(d) 8
29). In delta modulation, the slope overload distortion can be reduced by
(a) decreasing the step size (b) decreasing the granular noise (c) Decreasing the sampling rate

(d) increasing the step size

Common Data for Questions 30 & 31 - The amplitude of a random signal is uniformly distributed between -5 V and +5 V
30). If the signal to quantization noise ratio required in uniformly quantizing the signal is 43.5 dB, the step size of the
quantization is approximately
(a) 0.0333 V
(b) 0.05 V
(c) 0.0667V
(d) 0.01 V

31). If the positive values of the signal are uniformly quantized with a step size of 0.05 V, and the negative values are
uniformly quantized with a step size of 0.1 V. The resulting signal quantization noise ratio is approximately
(a) 46dB
(b) 43.8dB
(c) 42dB
(d) 40dB
32). The Nyquist sampling frequency of a signal given by 16 x 10 4 sinc 2 (400t) * 10 6 sinc 3 (100t) is
(a) 200
(b) 300
(c) 500
(d) 1000
33). Three analog signals having bandwidths 1200Hz, 600 Hz and 600Hz are sampled at their respective nyquist rates,
encoded with 12 bit words and time division multiplexed. The bit rate for the multiplexed signal is
(a) 115.2kbps
(b) 28.8kbps
(c) 57.6kbps
(d) 38.4kbps
34). Five signals each band limited to 4 KHz are sampled at twice the nyquist rate. The resulting PAM samples are
transmitted over a signal channel after TDM. The theoretical minimum transmission BW of the channel should be equal to
(a) 5 KHz
(b) 20 KHz
(c) 40 KHz
(d) 80 KHz
35). The peak to peak input to an 8bit PCM coder is 2 volts. The signal power to quantization noise power ratio for an input of
0.5 cos (wmt) is
(a) 47.8
(b) 49.8
(c) 95.6
(d) 99.6
36). A video transmission system transmits 625 picture frames per second. Each frame consists of a 400 X 400 pixel grid with
64 intensity levels per pixel. The data rate of the system
(a) 16Mbps
(b) 100Mbps
(c) 600Mbps
(d) 6.4Gbps
37). A sinusoidal signal with peak to peak amplitude of 1.536V is quantized into 128 levels using a mid- rise uniform
quantizer. The quantization noise power is
(a) 0.768 V
(b) 48X10 -6 V2
(c) 12 X 10 -6 V2
(d) 3.072 V
38). A Signal is sampled at 8 KHz and is quantized using 8-bit uniform quantizer. Assuming SNRq for sinusoidal, the correct
statement for PCM signal with a bit rate of R is
(a) R = 32Kbps & SNR = 25.8dB
(b) R = 64Kbps & SNR = 49.8dB
(c) R = 64Kbps & SNR = 55.8dB
(d) R = 32Kbps & SNR = 49.8dB
Common Data for Questions 39, 40 and 41 :
A speed signal, band limited to 4 kHz and peak voltage varying between +5 V and 5 V, is sampled at the Nyquist rate. Each
sample is quantized and represented by 8 bits.
39). If the bits 0 and 1 are transmitted using bipolar pulses, the minimum BW required for distortion free transmission is
(a) 64 kHz
(b) 32 kHz
(c) 8 kHz
(d) 4 kHz
40). Assuming the signal to be uniformly distributed between its peak to peak value, the SNR at the quantizer output is
(a) 16 dB
(b) 32 dB
(c) 48 dB
(d) 4 kHz
41).The number of quantization levels required to reduce the quantization noise by a factor of 4 would be
(a) 1024
(b) 512
(c) 256
(d) 64
Common Data for Questions 42 and 43:
A compact disc (CD) records audio signal digitally using PCM. Assume the audio signal bandwidth to be 15KHz.
42). what is the nyquist rate
(a) 10000 samples / sec
(b) 20000 samples / sec
(c) 30000 samples / sec
(d) 40000 samples / sec
43). If the nyquist samples are quantized to L = 65,536 levels and then binary coded, determine the number of bits required to
encode a sample
(a) 8 bits
(b) 16 bits
(c) 24 bits
(d) 32 bits
44). Determine the number of bits per second required to encode the audio signal

(a) 120,000 bps

(b) 240,000 bps

(d) 360,000 bps

(d) 480,000 bps

Common Data for Questions 45 and 46:

A telephone signal with a cutoff frequency of 4 KHz is digitalized into 8 bit samples at the nyquist sampling rate fs = 2W.
Assuming raised cosine filtering is used with a roll off factor of unity
45).The baseband transmission bandwidth is
(a) 16 KHz
(b) 32 KHz

(c) 48 KHz

(d) 64 KHz

46).The quantization signal to noise ratio is

(a) 48dB
(b) 36dB

(c) 24dB

(d) 12dB

47).The input to a linear delta modulator having a step-size 3= 0.628 is a sine wave with frequency fm and peak amplitude
Em. If the sampling frequency fx = 40 kHz, the combination of the sine-wave frequency and the peak amplitude, where slope
overload will take place is
(a) 0.3 V
8 kHz
(b) 1.5 V
4 kHz
(c) 1.5 V
2 kHz
(d) 3.0 V
1 kHz
48). In a delta modulation system, the signal is sampled at the rate of 20 KHz, and the granular noise requirement limits the
stepsize to a maximum of 0.2 mV. What is the maximum rate of change of the signal allowed not to experience slope
(a) I V/sec
(b) 2 V/sec
(c) 3 V/sec
(d) 4 V/sec
49). Choose the current one from among the alternative A,B,C,D after matching an item from Group 1 with the most
appropriate item in Group 2.
Group 1
Group 2
1. FM
P. Slope over load
2. DM
Q. -law
3. PSK
R. Envelope detector
4. PCM
S. Hilbert transforms
T. Hilbert transform
U. Matched filter
(A) 1 - T, 2 - P, 3 - U, 4 - S

(B) 1 - S, 2 - U, 3 - P, 4 T

(C) 1 - S, 2 - P, 3 - U, 4 - Q

(D) 1 - U, 2 - R, 3 - S, 4 Q

50). Constellations are used for digital communication over an AWGN channel, then which of the following statements is true
(a) Probability of symbol error for constellation 1 is lower
(b) Probability of symbol error for constellation 1 is higher
c) Probability of symbol error is equal for both the constellation
(d) The value of N0 will determine which of the two constellations has a lower probability of symbol error.

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