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Daniel, Mirian, Marion, & Teagan 4/19/16

History power - Mirian

First public electricity supply was

provided in late 1881
Electricity became available in the
After the Second World War
electricity became common in all
The first public power station was
the Edison Electric Light Station,
built in London

Sources and Providers

Harris Nuclear Plant


Duke Energy


Methods of Distribution - Teagan

Begins by:

Converting power into high voltage electricity to be sent to the power grid.

Power is stepped down

Using circuit breakers and arresters to prevent surges

Stepped down power is then sent through the grid to urban areas.

Stepped down one final time for residential and commercial use

Methods of Measuring - Daniel

Power is measured by watts-hour or the amount of electricity used overtime.
P = W/t
Watts = Current X Voltage
Power Meter

Typical Sizing Requirements

Typical wall outlets are run off of 120V

Some appliances around the building such as the; oven, stove, washing
machine, and dryer run off of 240V.

Thank You For Listening .

Work Cited

"How Nuclear Reactors Work." - Nuclear Energy Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
"How Do Coal-Fired Plants Work?" -Duke Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
"How Is Electricity Measured?" Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.

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