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Adrianna Duran

Gail Richard
Composition II 8:00
19 February 2016
Annotated Bibliography
ABC News. Parenting Techniques: To Spank or Not to Spank?. News video clip.
Youtube. Youtube, 5 Jul. 2012. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
In the short 3 minute and 32 seconds video, news reporter Amy talked with two mothers
each with a different view on the subject. One mother is for spanking because she believes it
gives children a little fear and in return respect for her. She is not wanting to be their best friend,
she wants to be their mother figure. The other mother acknowledges that spanking is a faster way
to get her point across but opts not to. This news segment was brought on after a video went viral
in which a step-father physically hurt his step-son for not catching a baseball.
Something that struck me, was that they used this particular video for a segment on
spanking in which even the reporter prior to the segment starting said, and that video obviously
is extreme that is abuse that is not spanking. So why was that video even show in the start?
However this video is useful for me because it is two different mothers giving their views on the
matter, each making some very good points. This is reliable because even though the video is on
Youtube, it was published on there by ABC News.

Goode, Erica. Findings Give Some Support To Advocates of Spanking. The New York
Times. The New York Times, 24 Aug. 2001. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
The article acknowledges many studies done by doctors, psychologists, and other
authority figures. It acknowledges both sides of the arguments and provides many pieces of

evidence from several of the studies with many statistics. One study in particular by Dr. Diana
Baumrind from the University of California that suggests that with mild spanking there are no
bad effects. The article also gives testimonies of two families one for spanking and one against
This article is useful to my argument because it contains many different studies with
statistics that support my argument. It is reliable because of the studies of these respectable
figures and the article is a news article.

Lemonick, Michael D., and Alice Park. "Spare The Rod? Maybe." Time International (Canada
Edition) 150.8 (1997): 41. Business Source Complete. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
The article was about a study in which it was argued that if parents stop spanking their
children as a use of discipline, the amount of violence in the United States would decrease as a
result. The study involved a group of children who were spanked by their mothers and when
followed up two years later the children showed signs of antisocial behavior. However other
researchers disagree arguing that the sample of children being studied was not reliable nor was it
equal and neither were the mothers. The study should have been with 18 months to 6 years when
spanking is more effective and does not have long-term effects rather than with 6 to 9 years
where it is not as effective and can have long-term effects. Pro-spanking pediatricians gave their
opinions on the controversial topic.
This article would be useful to me in my logical argument because I am pro-spanking to
an extant. I feel the same way the article feels about it. The article points out very good points. It
has a study that I can reference in my paper and pediatricians remarks which would help to add
credibility to my paper.

Navarrette, Ruben. Spanking isnt child abuse; its common sense. CNN. Cable News
Network, 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
The point of the article is that spanking delivers respect to the parents. The author states
that children are influenced by the media and will act on it. He mentions that the problem is the
parents fault, they do not spank their children because they want to be their childs friend rather
than their parent. Which leads to the child being the ruler in the relationship and no fear or
respect for an authority in their lives which will be a problem in the future. Spanking should be
common sense for a parent to do; but as always done correctly.
I completely agree with the article and will use it in my argument because it gives many
common modern reasons and examples as to why it should be done and why it should not be
frowned upon. Yes maybe the author was a little bias as he did not mention any cons to spanking
but he made many good points other articles have not made. And it is a news source which is
reliable. There was a video with the article but I will not refer or use it in my argument because
the women in the video uses objects to spank her children something I am against; I am only for
spanking involving only a parent's hand.

Pingleton, Jared. Spanking Can Be an Appropriate Form of Child Discipline. Time. Time., 16
Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
The article distinguishes the fine line between child discipline vs. child abuse using a real
life incident involving an NFL running back Adrian Peterson and his child which was abused;
child discipline is used out of love and child abuse is used out of anger. The article is pro child
discipline but as long as it is used appropriately. Appropriate being defined in multiple ways one
being the appropriate age group ideally just in the preschooler stage because they do not yet
understand the consequences of their actions however it is suggested that spanking should be

lessened over time as the child ages. Another element to properly going about spanking a child is
that they be warned first and then if that does not work they receive a spanking and then a follow
up explanation so that they are fully aware of why it had to happen. It is also stated that parenting
is different for everyone and parents themselves should decide whether or not they use spanking
for an incident. And if they are not capable of following the guidelines it is suggested that they
opt for a different form of discipline.
This article can be used to my advantage because it sets guidelines of how to properly
spank a child. The article leaves it clear that parenting is different and hard for everyone and it is
okay to opt for spanking and not opt for spanking. They leave it entirely up to a parent to decide.
The real life incident in the article can be a great incident for me to refer to in my paper because
it involves a famous person people can identify.

Smith-Spark, Laura. Pope says its OK to spank children if you dont demean them.
CNN. Cable News Network, 6 Feb. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
The article is about how Pope Francis caused an uproar because when he was speaking to
an audience he commented on how spanking is okay as long as you do not demean the child.
He received both support and criticism from people. A spokesperson from the Vatican made
CNN aware of the fact that Pope Francis loves children and suggested that his words not be
taken out of context. He supports the discipline of a child not the punishment of a child. It should
be made out of love for a child.
This article can be useful in my agreement because it shows that religion has a factor in
whether parents spank or do not spank a child. Pope Francis being the figure he is supports
spanking out of love for guiding a child to goodness which I agree with.

Spanking Research. Dr. Phil. Peteski Productions, Inc. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
The article acknowledges that the American people debate the idea of spanking all the
time. Dr. Phil, himself, opposes the idea however knows that there are two sides and each has
their argument. So he composes a list of pros and cons based on 62 years worth of research on
the idea. The pros being: the immediate effectiveness, effectiveness in preschoolers, and
reasoning contributes to effectiveness. The cons being: unwanted violent behaviors in the future,
encourages physical punishment, and results in a bad child/parent relationship.
The article is fairly short and if anything is just a list however it is very effective and to
the point. It gives pros and cons. Pros that can used throughout my argument and cons that can
be used in my counterargument. However will Dr. Phil be reliable, that would be a factor for me
to consider.

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