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Sarrah Morose

LEI 4724
Activity File 5
Activity Title: Come On Six
Citation: Jackson, T. (1995). More activities that teach. Cedar City, UT: Red Rock Pub.
Panic Disorder Symptoms, Causes and Effects. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2016, from
Equipment: 1 piece of paper per person, 1 pencil or pen per group of five, 1 dice per group.
Activity description: The purpose of this activity is to teach about techniques to help cope with
stress. This activity can take place anywhere with a total of 20 participants, and it may last for 30
minutes. The activity leader will divide the participants in 4 groups of 5. The activity can be
played on the floor, however it is better to have participants sit around a table. Each person needs
to have 1 piece of paper and each group needs to have 1 pen or pencil and 1 dice. (Jackson,
1995). In order to begin activity, the activity leader will explain the following steps:
1) Anyone in the group may raise a hand to volunteer to roll the dice only once and it has to
roll a 6.
2) If it does not roll a 6, the person will pass it on to the participant on the left to try one turn
to roll a 6. (This pattern will go on until someone rolls a 6)
3) When a participant rolls a 6, he or she takes a pencil and writes on their piece of paper
from 1 to 100. The person should read out loud every number while writing from 1- 100.
4) Everyone else keeps on rolling the dice and not ask the person who is writing to roll, until
someone else rolls a 6.
5) The person who was counting out loud and writing from 1-100 stops, and passes the
pencil to the new person who just rolled the 6.
6) When the person counting and writing is done with the task, the person goes back to
rolling the dice.
7) Each time a participant rolls a 6, they continue to write and count from the number they
left off, for example if they stopped at 20 on their last turn before someone else rolled a 6,
they will continue on number 21 next time they roll a 6.
8) The game continues until a person reaches 100. A second round can be played. (Jackson,
Leadership considerations: In order to enhance engagement in this activity, the activity leader
will review participants assessment sheet to determine level of stress of each participant. Leader
will determine strength and needs of each participant on social, cognitive, emotional and or
communicative level. Leader can choose best settings for the activity whether on floor or around
table, depending on participants physical abilities. Leader will read the rules of the game slowly
and ask if anyone has any question or needs a step to be repeated in order to make sure everyone
understands how to play clearly. Leader can modify the amount of time participant should count
and write for example, instead of 1-100 it can be 1-50, depending on participants ability to
concentrate and focus on a single game at a time. Leader should make sure everyone is behaving
appropriately around each other so that they do not poke each other with the pencils or pens. The
specific. Leader can choose to have one round or two rounds to play depending on participants
motivation. Leader can set time aside for group discussion to find out how everyone felt about the
activity and if this activity would be chosen again by this same group of participants. (Jackson,

Participants with Physical disorder such as Stress: Stress on the body is influenced by
psychological and social factors often people who experience stress can often become depressed
because stress, anxiety and depression are closely related. (Barlow & Durand, 2008). People
experience stress normally when they lack the capacity to deal with the demands in their lives.
Participants with stress disorder often feel stressed about anything and have a hard time to cope
with it. The specific benefits of this activity for individuals who have a stress disorder include:
examine the cause and effects of stress, reflect on the behaviors participants tend to have when
under stress, develop strategies for managing stress, coping with anxiety and depression, think
about different ways to help reduce stress, think about positive ways to reduce anxiety level or
stress level. (Jackson, 1995)
Participants with Panic disorder: Participants with panic disorder experience severe,
unexpected panic attack. They might think that they are dying or losing control. In most cases
panic disorder is accompanied by fear or avoidance of situation in which a person feels unsafe or
unable to run home or to a hospital in the event of experiencing symptoms. The activity leader
may want to do this activity at home with other family members with clients who have the
tendency to get panic disorder or have the activity somewhere the client feels safe enough. The
specific benefits of this activity for individuals who have panic disorder include: ability to focus,
release of tension, harmony in breathing, decrease in chest pain and relaxation (,

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