Cracking The Dna Code

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Cracking the DNA Code Use the following website, http://www.dnai.

org, to complete
this activity about the research that lead to the discovery of DNAs structure.
Click on Code from the menu on the website first page; then, click on Finding the
Using the Problem Section, answer the following questions:
1. How did Mieschers discovery contribute to our knowledge of DNA?
We now know that DNA can be extracted from the cells by isolating the
2. Which tool of science assisted Miescher in his discovery? How was the tool useful?
The microscope, it allowed him to see what couldnt be seen with the nakedeye.
3. After Miescher, other scientists determined the nuclein contained lots of .
4. Eventually DNA was determined to be a long chain that contained
Four different nucleotides, ribose sugar, and phosphate.
5. Which molecule, DNA or protein, carries the information of hereditary? Who and
how was this determined?
DNA was carrying hereditary information. Oswald Avery discovered this by
isolating one strand of bacteria and then given to another, DNA was able to
transfer then strand with it characteristics.
Using the Players and Pieces of the Puzzle Sections, provide a short summary of
the contribution of each of the following scientists to the structure of DNA.
Erwin Chargaff Each species have base pairs in their DNA strands but the
amount per species differs.

Rosalind Franklin Rosalind Franklin and Raymond Gosling obtained an X-ray

diffraction pattern, which triggered the idea that DNA was a helix shape.
Linus Pauling Discovered that a DNA strand wasnt a triple helix.
James Watson and Francis Crick Figured out which base pairs go together
Maurice Wilkins proved that DNA was crystalline

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