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What is RT?

Recreational therapy (RT) is an

emphasis within the parks, recreation, and tourism department
(PRT) offered here at the University of Utah.
This emphasis has courses that
prepare future students to provide a series of interventions
within a recreational setting as a
means to better an individuals
quality of life

University of Utah PRT Department

201 President Cir., salt lake city , Utah 84112


age. Strive Recreational Therapy. N.p., 18 Nov. 2007.

Web. 15 Apr. 2016 )

What Does an RT Do?

As a Recreational Therapist your job is simple, Have
Fun and Play! Quite literally your job is to play. You
design goals and objectives for individuals who either
can not engage in play due to a non adaptive society
or will utilize play as a means to help and individuals
state of well being.

Populations an RT Serves
Recreational therapist serve an variety of populations.
These populations may include individuals in:

Why Become an RT
RTs are individuals who go against the grain one
might say. As an RT you are a hero in the sense that
you are providing a population of people with a way
to participate in leisure and recreation who would
have no means of engaging in without you. You
break down barriers society walls up so that individuals with impairments may participate in what could
be considered the most enjoyable part of life
(recreation and leisure)

How the Difference is Made

Imagine, you or a loved one had been in a tragic accident that left you without the use of your legs. It
seems as though the things you love to do (basket
ball, hiking, skiing) are now just a lost memory as you
feel helpless rotting away inside. The idea that this is
happening to many people in todays society is terrifying . The difference is made the minute an individual
reaches out and you as a RT brings what they thought
they could never do again to what they can now continue to enjoy.
That is just one example


Mental health

General medicine

Physical rehabilitation


Certifications and
The university of Utah offers a bachelor program
for PRT with RT emphasis. Through this degree
you will receive a TRS license and CTRS certification along with a Bachelor in PRT.

Last Points!
Recreational therapy can be a very rewarding profession but it is not for everyone. The PRT department offers a wide variety of programs that can
defiantly accommodate any individual interested in
working outdoors. If interested in TR or any PRT
emphasis be sure to contact the department to
schedule a meeting with an advisor .

Contact Us
(801) 581-8541

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