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The rigidity of comfortable habits

Contiguous borders, ambiguous ethics

Where using knowledge can hurt performance

Requiring remission of self-evaluation

In the definition of recovery.

Forget truth-seeking; move on to what matters

There is something real that is worth looking at --

Contrasts and contingencies in the language that we use;

Is it even possible to establish equal education for democracy?

Inciting reactionary authoritarian elements

Revising representational semantics

Critical intelligence is merely the beginning of rationality.

Rationality requires reflective inquiry and imagination

Commitment to the common good to create the conditions

In which intellect and trust can flourish.

Significant developments today determine

the question of time and the issue of influence;

the risk that certain belief might prove

to be false, after all.

Views of variety regarding reality and human beings --

on the nature of knowing and informative implementation,

leave space for power to exert forces that can defy destiny,

understand the power of relationships in theory and in practice.

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