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Proof of the Size of Heaven

Basis for computation: Revelation: 21:15

The City measured 12,000 furlongs and the length, breadth and height of it are equal.

This represents a space of 469,783,088,000,000,000,000 cubic feet.

½ of this space is set aside for the Throne and the Court of Heaven; and ½ the balance for the streets,
which leaves a remainder of 124,198,272,000,000,000,000 cubic feet.

Divide this by 4,096 which is the number of cubical feet in a room 16’ square.

This process gives 30,321,843,750,000,000 rooms of that size.

Then, upon the hypothesis that the world now contains, always has contained and will always contain
990,000,000 inhabitants; that a generation lasts for 33 1/3 years, which gives a total number of inhabitants
every century: 2,297,000,000; assume that the world will stand 1,000 centuries or 100,000 years, which
gives a total of 2,970,000,000,000 inhabitants for this period of time.

We then reach the conclusion that if 100 worlds of the same size and duration and containing the same
number of inhabitants, there would be more than 100 rooms of the size indicated for each person.

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