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Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

Curriculum Map
Assignment 11.1
Miriam Ramos
March 28, 2016
Dr. Hesse
Course # 25966


4th Grade ELA Roosevelt School District Curriculum





Reading: Key Ideas and Details

Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
and problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text o
part of a text.
Students will identify the text structure of a text.

Students will identify meaning of key words

Students will recall text structures

Sleep-deprived child image
Text: What Is Sleep and Why All Kids Need It
Text Structure graphic organizer
4th Grade ELA Roosevelt School District Curriculum


Reading: Key Ideas and Details


Reading: Key Ideas and Details





Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize t
Students will summarize details from a text to determine the main idea.

Students will read with fluency

Students will analyze text to determine main idea
Students will identify meaning of key words

Healthy lungs vs unhealthy lungs image
Text: The Effects of Smoking on the Body
Main idea graphic organizer
Shoulder partners


4th Grade ELA Roosevelt School District Curriculum




Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

4.RI.7: Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.

in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements
on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an
understanding of the text in which it appears.
Students will analyze visuals to interpret the information in a text.


Students will read with fluency

Students will make inferences of vocabulary meaning
Students will identify vocabulary meaning


Ecofriendly environment vs. landfill image
Text: Eating Out vs. Eating In
Data Charts Graphic Organizer
Analyzing Data PPT

The curriculum map used for the above three mini lessons was derived from the
4th grade English Language Arts curriculum from Roosevelt School District. The class I
am finishing my residency with consists of 31 students. One of the 31 students is
homeless, another 6 are ELLs, another is gifted, three are being tested for Special
Education services, and all students have unique abilities/learning styles, which place
them in different academic levels.
The lesson will begin by opening sleep importance discussion with the sleepdeprived child image. This image will be displayed on the class Panaboard where all
students can see and analyze the image. The teacher will ask all students, What can you
infer about this image? Students will be chosen to discuss their inferences over the
image with the class. The students responses may sound something like the kid is
sleepy, the kid didnt get enough sleep, the kid is tired, the kid should have gone to bed,
etc. The teacher will clarify that the student does not look energetic because he did not
get enough sleep the night before. The teacher will inform the students that the amount of
sleep a person gets is really important to the way they emotionally and physically feel the
next day. This image will create a smooth transition for the students from background
knowledge to the lessons skill, identifying text structure in a text.


The teacher will hand each student a copy of the text, What Is Sleep and Why All
Kids Need It as well as a copy of the Text Structure graphic organizer. Students will be
required to follow to the teachers text reading. The teacher will direct students to raise
their hand when the teacher reads a word that they are unfamiliar with. The teacher will
ask students to substitute the unfamiliar word with words they infer have the same
meaning. The teacher will re-read the text with the substitute word to check if students
agree that the substitute word would be a good definition of the unfamiliar word. The
teacher will make connections to her own experiences of sleep deprivation. The students
will have questions and also make real life connections to how the lack of sleep has
affected them in the past.
The teacher will ask the students if they see clues that could identify the text
structure of the sleep importance article. The teacher will ask students questions
throughout her reading, Are we being informed on how little or no sleep can affect you,
is the speaker comparing lack of sleep to anything else, is the text explaining a cause and
effect relationship when we do not get enough sleep? Students will complete the Text
Structure graphic organizer once the teacher has read the entire text and has clarified the
affects of little to no sleep can have on the body.
Drug Use: Smoking
The lesson will begin with the teacher displaying the healthy lungs vs. unhealthy
lungs image on the Panaboard for the entire class to analyze. The teacher will ask the
students, as they are making observations on the image, what is the main difference you
see between these two images, what can you infer made these two lungs look so
different? The students might respond with, one lung is red and the other is black, one
lung looks unhealthy and the other looks healthy . Teacher will clarify the health
difference between the lungs in the images. The teacher will inform the class that the
healthy lung is full and large and healthy because it has been treated right by the owner.
The teacher will then talk about drugs such as smoking can cause a lung to look the way
those unhealthy lungs look. The teacher will discuss how smoking can cause your lungs
to collapse and malfunction much like a car that has been abused and not taken care of
over time.
The teacher will proceed to hand out every student a copy of the text The Effects
of Smoking on the Body as well as the main idea graphic organizer. The teacher will
instruct students to read with their shoulder partners to analyze details and identify the
main idea in the text. The teacher will also remind the students that they are to use the
substitution method to identify the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words. Lastly, the
teacher will instruct students to use their highlighters to highlight important details read
in order to later summarize the main idea of the text. The teacher will circulate around the
classroom and clear any confusion the students may have that is skill and topic relevant.
Students will work with their partners to identify the main idea of the text and complete
the main idea graphic organizer.


This lesson will start off with ecofriendly environment vs. landfill image displayed
on the Panaboard, for all students to analyze. While students are making observations
and inferences on the image, the teacher will ask students, what do you notice in the
images, are there any similarities or differences between the two images, what can you
say is the thing that stands out the most? The teacher will clarify that the images come
from two cities from the same state. The teacher will point out that one of the images
comes from an ecofriendly city that recycles most of their recyclable material. She will
inform the students that the other image comes from the neighboring city that houses a
landfill. It will be explained to the students that the entire states trash is thrown away in
this one landfill for the earth to ingest. The teacher will stress that most of the containers
that people use everyday can be recycled and do not need to be thrown away. The
students will know that the ecofriendly city makes an effort to recycle glass, plastic,
aluminum foil, paper, etc. while other cities are throwing out all these containers and
letting the landfill become larger and larger.

Before the students are given their activity the teacher will model how data should
be interpreted using the Analyzing Data PPT. The teacher will model how to read data
graphs and how to accurately explain what the graphs mean. The teacher will then inform
students that they will be reading the text Eating Out vs. Eating In and filling out the data
chart graphic organizer handout once they are done reading and analyzing the text. The
teacher will instruct the students that they will be reading independently and using the
information from the text to fill out the graphic organizer in order to interpret the
information from the text. The students will use the substitution method to discover the
meaning of unfamiliar words. The teacher will inform the class that there will be data that
tells them the amount of foods that are kept in plastic, glass and aluminum containers.
The students will also be told that the data will inform them how many packaged foods
are bought and how many containers are recycled once the food is eaten.


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