Booklet A Section B: Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) Practice Paper 1 Primary Five Answer Key

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Practice paper 1

Answer Key

Booklet A Section B

1 4 16 3 31 P
2 3 17 4 32 C
3 1 18 2 33 B
4 4 19 2 34 N
5 3 20 4 35 D
6 3 21 1 36 K
7 2 22 2 37 F
8 2 23 2 38 G
9 1 24 3 39 E
10 4 25 3 40 M
11 4 3 26 4
12 1 27 3
13 2 28 4
14 1 29 1
15 4 30 4


41 contemplate 46 through
42 has 47 but
43 upon / after 48 rite
44 enthusiastic 49 overwhelmed
45 draws 50 intensify

Vocabulary Cloze
51 fever / down 56 her 61 control/ stop /
keep / prevent /
52 crying / moaning / 57 children / 62 into
whimpering siblings /
groaned (X) duo / girls /
53 much / simply / just / 58 died 63 stand / take /
really / way / far hold / bear /
54 money / means 59 fresh / new / 64 water / buckets
present /
55 wished / said / 60 eyes / gaze 65 of
lamented / grumbled /
repeated /

Sentence Synthesis

Please note marking scheme:

1. Grammatical errors (minus 2 marks)
2. Punctuation / Spelling errors (minus 1 mark for each

66. This is the car which I rented last Thursday.

67. Apart from Karen, everyone has decided to go on the school trip.

68. Neither Kim nor her younger sisters like playing / to play tennis.

69. Lisa exclaimed that John had to watch that movie the next / following day.

70. She skips because it is a form of exercise.

* Accept any possible variations.

Please note marking scheme:

1. Up to 3 grammatical / punctuation errors (deduct ½ mark for 3

2. Very poor sentence construction (deduct 1 mark)

71. It was known as ‘Cathay’. (2m)

72. It was Kublai Khan. (2m)

73. The / His task / It was to join an embassy to the Khan of Persia (1m) and
the Mongol princess, Koekecin, to her fiancée, the Ilkhan Arghun. (1m)

74. The word is ‘authentic’. (2m)

75. People came from far and wide to hear about their travel experiences (2m)
and Marco
Polo’s contemporaries awed and admired his exploits (2m).

76. The phrase is “traveller at heart”. (2m)

77. He possessed determination / perseverance (1m) and confidence (1m)

78. It means truth / accuracy.

79. It / ‘These’ refer/s to the omissions of chopsticks, tea and the Chinese ritual
of foot.

80. Some people do not believe that Marco Polo had actually been to China
while other
people are all praises about his exploits.

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