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State the maximum or minimum value for each of the following quadratic function and
state the value of x at which the function is maximum or minimum. Find the maximum or
minimum point and finally state axis of symmetry for each case.
a. f(x) = -2(x 3)2 + 4
b. f(x) = 3(x 4)2 + 10
c. f(x) = -3(x + 2)2 9
d. f(x) = -8 + 2(x + 5)2
2. Express y = 5 + 4x x2 in the form y = a (x + b)2, where a, b, and c are constants.
Hence, state the maximum value of y and the value of x at which it occurs. Sketch the
curve y = 5 + 4x x2.
3. Given


6 y
, find the range of values of x for which y > 9.

4. Given 2x + 3y 6 = 0, find the range of values of x for which y < 4.

5. Find the range of values of x which satisfy the following inequalities:
a. (2x + 1)(3x 1) < 14
b. (x 2)(5x 4) + 1 > 0
6. Find the value of p for which 8y = x + 2p is a tangent to the curve 2y2 = x + p.
7. The straight line y = 2k + 1 intersects the curve

y=x +


at two distinct points. Find

the range of values of k.

8. Find the range of values of m for which the straight line y = mx + 6 does not meet the
curve 2x2 xy = 3.

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