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Sarrah Morose

Activity File 15
Activity Title: Rainsticks and Shakers
Citation: Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes. (n.d.). Retrieved February 05, 2016, from
Fowler, S., & Fowler, S. (2007). Sensory stimulation: Sensory-focused activities for
people with physical and multiple disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Robertson, T., & Long, T. (2008). Foundations of therapeutic recreation. Champaign, IL.:
Human Kinetics.
Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (1995). Abnormal psychology: An integrative approach.
Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub.
Equipment: Scissors, tape, different types of paper (ex: holographic, fluorescent), tubes
with lids (to cover the ends), uncooked rice, dried beans, dried macaroni, small jug,
bowls, glue, cardboard, paper.
Activity description: The rainsticks and shakers is a sensory stimulation activity that has
for purpose to provide visual experience, auditory experience and tactile experience to
the participants. It provides participants with the opportunity to express self, to make
choices and express likes and dislikes (Fowler, 2007). To begin the activity, participants
will get into small groups of 4, sitting around a table across each other so that they can
interact with each other and make eye contact.
1- Activity leader will pass around 1 table spoon of each type of dried food rice,
macaroni, dried beans for participants to keep on their trays and explore the
different textures and shapes. (offer participants to choose which dried food they
want to use)
2- Activity leader will pass around the tubes for participants to explore. Participants
will tape an end of the tube and then drop in the dried food selected.
3- Once every participant has filled up the tubes, leader presents different types of
papers to participants to explore and have each one choose their color or print
they like. Then participants get scissors to cut paper and glue to stick it all around
the tube, covering up every thing.
4- Participants then are given a piece of tape to close the other end of their tubes.
Then participants begin to shake the tubes to experience the sound that the
different dried food make on the inside
5- Activity leader collects every participants rainsticks and place them somewhere
safe for the paper to dry on the tube
6- Participants are given the opportunity to say goodbye to each other and make eye
contact. (Fowler, 2007)
Leadership Considerations: In order to gain a complete experience of the activity of
rainsticks, the activity leader or CTRS will make sure that every participant is able to pay
attention and follow directions. The activity leader will give simple instructions for each
step of the activity while passing out supplies one at a time so that participants do not get

overwhelmed. Leader will repeat each step twice before moving on to next step of
activity. Leader will assist participants in exploring the textures of the dried foods by
placing them on a tray in front of each person before using them to make the rainsticks.
Leader will offer each participant the choice to pick any type of dried food preferred to
do activity. Leader will assist participants in filling up their tubes with dried food. Leader
will assist participant in covering their tube with paper, making sure participants has
opportunity to choose the color and print preferred. Leader will help participants to
experience different sound of rainsticks. (Fowler, 2007)
Participants with Down Syndrome: In the textbook Abnormal Psychology, Down
Syndrome is defined as a chromosomal disorder that results from the presence of an extra
21st chromosome, which is often referred to as trisomy 21. (Barlow &Durand, 2015). It is
also considered a form of intellectual disability. Individuals with Down syndrome have
poor muscle tone, hyper flexibility, visual problems, slower physical and mental
development, as well as premature aging as adults. They are also more likely to develop
other disorders like dementia, heart related problems, and weakness of the spine
(Robertson &Long, 2008) . In order to facilitate participation with individuals with Down
Syndrome, activity leader should take time to repeat instructions at a slower pace and
provide enough demonstrations for participant to feel at ease during activity. It may be
possible that activity leader repeats steps over and over slowly to help participant
complete each step successfully.
Participants with Specific Anxiety disorders: Individuals with anxiety disorders have
the tendency to avoid places that they may not be able to get away with when they have
panic attack. These individuals who suffer from anxiety disorder will often show signs of
shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain. They may have other symptoms such as
panic disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress
disorder (Long & Robertson, 2008). When working with individuals in this category, it is
important to make sure that the environment is relaxing to prevent any sort of panic
attack. The activity leader will speak slowly in a relaxed tone to help participant to
manage anxiety as much as possible. Shaking the rainsticks may actually provide
relaxation when listening to different sounds it makes. According to help, the
more a person knows about a situation, the more they are able to control their stress level.
In the case of the person with anxiety, It is important that the activity leader takes special
consideration to explain the activity and what is going to happen during the activity as
clearly as possible to help ease the participants anxiety.

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