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March 29, 2016

Proficiency level: Adult beginner

Time: 120 minutes
students: 7

Number of

Students will be able to briefly tell other about their daily routine.
A. By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

Know the difference between simple present for first, second, and third


Have a deeper grasp of the vocabulary about routine and be introduced to

newer words.


Read about someones day.


Have a mini-conversation about their daily routine.

A. Warm-up (15 minutes)
a. Start lesson by having students pair off and ask each other questions
to learn more about each other and to review past material.
b. Pick pairs to volunteer sharing what they learned about their partner.
First student should begin by giving their partners name and two or
three things about him/her.
B. Review material from previous lesson (15 minutes)
a. Present students with a PowerPoint that reviews simple present and
vocabulary learned in the previous lesson.
b. Next, present students with some sentences in which they have to
provide the missing word. Reveal after students give their answer.
C. Vocabulary (8 minutes)
a. Present new vocabulary that will appear in the reading Marinas Day.
D. Marinas Day (15-20 minutes)
a. As you read the story show students a series of pictures.
b. Depending on the student abilities, determine if you show have
students repeat hat you read line by line or read collectively with,
making sure your voice is heard.
E. Marinas Day worksheets (45 minutes)
a. After the story, read through the comprehension questions to makes
sure students understand what is being asked. Work alongside
students in answering the comprehension questions
b. Second section, students are to complete the chart about Marinas
schedule by writing the correct time and vocabulary to complete each
sentence for what she does during the morning, afternoon, and night.

c. Third section, students are to write their own schedule. When

completed, students are to talk about their daily routine with their
partner. Make sure to model the example dialogue playing both roles
and then demonstrating with one of the students.
G. Dialogue (10 minutes)
a. Model the entire dialogue by playing the role of bother characters.
Next, have students run through the dialogue as a unison. Take the
time to explain any vocabulary that students do not know or
understand and work on pronunciation.
b. When students seem ready, have them go through the dialogue in
pairs and then have them reverse roles. Go around checking for
pronunciation and to answer any questions.
H. Closing (5 minutes)
a. Recap what was learned today and connect it to what will be learned in
the next lesson.
b. Distribute and explain homework.

Get to Know Your Classmate

With a partner, practice asking questions. Write your partners responses. (Con su compaero,
practica de haciendo preguntas. Escribe la respuesta de tu compaero)
What is your name? ____________________________________________
Where are you from? ___________________________________________
How old are you? ______________________________________________
When is your birthday? __________________________________________
What is your favorite sport? ________________________________________
What is your favorite color? ________________________________________
What is your favorite music? _____________________________________________________
Do you like to do on your free time? _________________________________
What dont you like to do? ________________________________________
What do you do before bed? ________________________________________
What time do you go to bed?

Discussing Morning Routine

Angel : Hey Joseph. Tell me how you spend your mornings.
Marina : Well, I wake up around 7 and brush my teeth. After, I read the
newspaper and drink coffee.
Angel : Hmm... Do you work out?
Marina : No. I usually dont exercise, but I think I should.
Angel : Yes. What time do you get ready for work?
Marina : I usually get ready around 8 AM. Then me and Gracie have breakfast. We
leave for work around 8:30.
Angel : Wow! You must have busy mornings.
Marina : Yes. Well, its our daily routine. I am okay with it.

Discussing Morning Routine

Angel : Hey Joseph. Tell me how you spend your mornings.
Marina : Well, I wake up around 7 and brush my teeth. After, I read the
newspaper and drink coffee.
Angel : Hmm... Do you work out?
Marina : No. I usually dont exercise, but I think I should.
Angel : Yes. What time do you get ready for work?
Marina : I usually get ready around 8 AM. Then me and Gracie have breakfast. We
leave for work around 8:30.
Angel : Wow! You must have busy mornings.
Marina : Yes. Well, its our daily routine. I am okay with it.

Dialogue obtained from: Minor modifications wee

made to the original dialogue.

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