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SW-314-51 Social Welfare Policy

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Democratic Party 2016

On February 11, 2016, the sixth Democratic debate was held in Milwaukee. In this debate
there were two participants. By now, they are well known to the general public. Their names are
as follows: Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton. During this debate a variety of
issues were covered. The first half of the debates focus was on domestic issues and the second
half centered on foreign affairs.
Per usual both candidates maintained a progressive stance. Subsequently, both of their
goals require an increase of government. To be more specific, in the debate, Clinton noted that
Sanders would increase government by 40 percent. The amount in which Clinton would increase
was not said in the debate; however, her responses to other questions make it seem as though the
increase will be similar to that of Sanders.
Moreover, to get into particulars, there was an extensive presence of the topic of race
relations. Sanders spoke on how African Americans are more likely to be arrested and sentenced.
Subsequently, he stated that there must be a radical reform in the criminal justice system. He
stated that police should stop focusing on African Americans for each racial group has the same
potential of committing crime. Clinton agreed with the Senator and went on to say that they need
a criminal justice reform that would end mass imprisonment. Furthermore, Clinton stated that
education, employment, housing, and other forms of community assistance must be included in
the conversation of criminal justice reform. Sanderss agreed with Clinton; he emphasized that
better education, jobs, and housing will minimize criminal activity and recidivism among
members of lower income families and minority groups. In addition, he also said that the
government should ensure that the police deviate from performing in a militant manner. Sanders
also stated that more effort should be made in diversifying police personal.

SW-314-51 Social Welfare Policy

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The topic of race relations opened up the conversation to the issue of immigration.
Sanders expressed that he does not approve of the current deportation policies. He does not wish
to see more families be torn apart. Subsequently, he stated that an immigration reform must be
implemented; one that creates a path to citizenship. Clinton stated that she is against the
inhumane treatment of contributing members of society. She announced that she was a strong
proponent for the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors). Thus,
Clinton stated that a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship must be
Furthermore, on the topic of healthcare and ageism the candidates have somewhat
parallel views. Both candidates want to make changes to the current healthcare policies;
however, the form in which they want to tackle the change and the actual change is distinct.
Sanders expressed that America should follow other countries lead and instill a free healthcare
act. Clinton stated that it would be detrimental to the progress that has been made with healthcare
if they instituted a bill in which healthcare would be free. Instead Clinton proposed that they
build on the current healthcare (Obamacare) and extend its coverage from 90 percent to 100
Later in the debate the issue of facing the elderly was brought up and both candidates felt
that matters must be taken to help the aging population. Sanders stated that he would want to
increase Social Security benefits to seniors and disabled veterans. He stated that this could be
accomplished through changing the policies on the taxable income that goes towards Social
Security. Sanders specified that this is one way that the 1.5 percent (wealthy population) will pay
their dues. Clinton agreed with Sanders that there must be some action taken to better assist the

SW-314-51 Social Welfare Policy

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elderly. However, Clinton stated that they should prioritize and allocate help where it is most
needed (elderly who a suffering more).
In addition, with the topic of foreign affairs, Sanders made several comments on the
issues pertaining to the events that transpired in Russia, Syria, Iran, and briefly Cuba. In a
nutshell, Sanders believes that these issues can be best addressed by being aggressive,
principled, and goal-oriented (the goal being to improve relations). Moreover, Clinton stated that
America needs to help its allies (provide financial support). She expressed that in humanitarian
matters America must be prepared to take in refugees and provide other necessary assistance.
In brief, this debate was more focused on domestic issues (i.e. healthcare, social security,
race relations, and so on). Sanders made it clear that he wants to advocate for the underdog
(working class and minorities). Clinton also expressed that she is a proponent for change.
However, this debate displayed that the two candidates have varying strategies and ultimate

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