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SW-314-51 Social Welfare Policy

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Republican Party 2016

On March 10, 2016, another Republican presidential debate was held. This time, the
proceedings were conducted at the Bank United Center on the campus of the University of
Miami. In addition, it must be noted that the amount of Republican candidates running for
President decreased. Only four individuals participated in the discussion. Their names and
current job positions are as follows: businessman Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz,
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and Ohio Governor John Kasich.
In respects to the issue of foreign workers, Rubio stated that programs such as H-1B visa
should be carefully monitored. Rubio stated this because he believes that several companies
manipulate the visa for their companys benefit. Thus, many American workers, particularly in
Disney, are losing their jobs to outsourcing. Rubio also went on to say that those who use the
visa improperly must be penalized. Kasich suggested a guest worker program where people
from other countries come to the U.S. carry out their business and then move on. Moreover,
Kasich highlighted his views on illegal immigration. He stated that the borders security should
be increased in order to stop more people from entering the country. In addition, Kasich stated
that once the borders are safeguarded then the remaining illegal immigrants should be allocated a
means to legalization. In this way, Kasich believes, they can contribute to the nations economy.
Trump commented on H-1B visa. Trump declared that the visa negatively affects American
workers and therefore should not be used. While Cruz indicated that the United States must
conduct modifications to the immigration process so that it positively affects the U.S. economy.
Cruz stated that in order to further improve the economy the U.S. must eliminate illegal

SW-314-51 Social Welfare Policy

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On the topic of Social Security, Rubio started the discussion. He stated that he would
ensure that Social Security will be better managed so that it can continue to exist in the years to
come. Moreover, Rubio specified that, under his plan, the retirement period for his generation
would be age 68, but with the following generations the retirement age will be higher (age 70).
Trump did not agree with Rubio. Trump stated that the Social Security process should not be
altered. Additionally, Trump stated that eliminating foreign fraud will provide the money
necessary to maintain the Social Security program. Cruz stated that Social Security is a policy
that should be protected. Moreover, Cruz elaborated by describing his vision. He stated that
Social Security benefits should not be changed for those who are currently in the retirement
bracket. However, Cruz stated that the taxes that go towards Social Security for the younger
generations should match inflation and the age should be gradually increased. While Kasich
announced that cutting Social Security payments would save the program. To be more specific,
Kasich stated that everyone will receive Social Security, but the assistance allocated to each
individual will be dependent of the persons overall income. Those who fell under the workingclass category would essentially receive greater Social Security assistance than the individuals
who, throughout their life, were financially well off.
In regards to foreign policy, there was a long conversation on the matter of diplomatic
ties with Cuba. Rubio conveyed the message that he does not view the relationship with Cuba as
beneficial to United States. He stated that the interactions with Cuba have strengthen the Cuban
government instead of increasing democracy. Trump emphasized his middle ground position by
stating that he desires to close the embassy in Cuba until a good deal could be made. While
Cruz stated that he would break diplomatic relations with Cuba. Cruz further supported his
position on this issue by stating that it is preposterous for the United States to provide

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accommodations to a country that has strong reservations towards America. Moreover, Kasich
voiced his view. He stated that it would be in the U.S.s best interest to diminish the support
provided to enemies (Cuba) and focus more on allocating assistance to Americas allies.
Moreover, this is a limited summation of the topics discussed at the Miami, Florida
debate. Nonetheless, with these three topics one can see the similarities and differences of each
candidates positions. In addition, the three topics served exemplified the varying degrees of
Republican ideologies.

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