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Ammons - 8th Grade Language Arts

Mrs. Ammons 8th Grade Language Arts

Welcome students!

My name is Summer
Ammons and I will be your eighth grade English teacher.
Heres a little bit about me. I earned my Associates in Arts
degree in English at Golden West College. I also attended
California State University Long Beach before transferring to
Arizona State University. My grandfather was my inspiration
for becoming a teacher because even after he retired his
former students would contact me and tell me what an
impact he had on their lives. In my spare time I love to read
and my favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I also enjoy playing
with my son, quilting, baking, and trying new dinner recipes for my
Contact Information: The best way to reach me is by email but please feel
free to call my office. I will be in my classroom an hour before and after class
for students who are struggling, have questions, or need extra help.
Although I will strive to respond to emails as promptly as possible, nonemergency emails received over the weekend will be addressed the following
Phone: (714) 864-0272
Daily Schedule:
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8


Course Description: This year is very exciting because I have coordinated

with your Social Studies teachers to expand your knowledge on WWII and
your Science teachers to aid in writing research papers so you will be doubly
immersed in the subjects. You will increase your writing skills by writing in
class and at home essays. You will also write your own narrative journals and
learn how to read and write from multiple perspectives. Also, we will begin
the course work with lecture and other activities, then literature circles, and
have a final group or individual presentation at the end of the unit.

Important Events:
1 This year, students are expected to complete essays and/or projects
for each unit, read the assigned material and participate in class
2 Most of our reading will be done in class, but every student will be
responsible for reading four (4) books outside of class and giving a
written review of each.
3 Students will also keep journals that will require a one page entry each
4 Agenda logs and Bellwork notebooks will also be checked for
completeness each quarter.
5 Students will also compile a portfolio of all of their class projects to see
the progress they have made from the beginning of the year as well as
reference the material for later courses.
Assignments: Assignments will consist of Bellwork, Journal Writing,
Extended Writing, Art and Drama, Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises, and
Project Presentations.
Homework Policy: All homework should be turned in on time by the date
specified unless otherwise arranged (such as an excused absence surgery,
going out of town) and may be turned in early. Students will be graded on
the highest 20 out of 28 homework assignments. There will be no late or
makeup work accepted. A zero grade will be given and can count as one of
the dropped grades.
Bathroom Policy: The students will receive 4 bathroom passes a year
that they must turn in upon use. Only one student may leave the classroom
at one time. Students can earn up to two additional passes by doing extra
credit work.
Late Work Policy: There will be no late work accepted unless there is an
excused absence (e.g. scheduled surgery, hospitalizations, out of town).
Students will have until the next school day to turn in their work for credit. If

circumstances arise such as school sponsored events (athletics, field trips,

performances) and the student knows they will be absent ahead of time,
they will be required to turn in the work early. Otherwise, the missing
assignment will be counted as a zero or one of the dropped homework
Make-up Work/Tests: The make-up work folder will be located near the
homework station where students turn in their homework. If they have an
excused absence (e.g. scheduled surgery, hospitalizations, out of town),
students can complete assignments and bell work located in the folder and
turn it in to the homework station by the next school day. If they missed
more than one day they will have until the end of the week to turn in their
Make-up tests and quizzes must be completed before or after school or
during lunch period. The students will need to make up the test or quiz
within one week of being absent. If it is not made up by the allotted time
period the student will receive a zero.
Homework Assistance: My office hours are an hour before and an hour
after school, during lunch, and during my prep-hour unless I have meetings
scheduled during that time. On campus tutoring help is also available.
Classroom Rules: Along with the standard school rules, I have developed a
set of classroom rules that students must follow. The classroom rules will be
taught the first week of school and be posted on the class bulletin board. A
rule sets limits for appropriate behavior and has enforceable consequences.
This benefits the students because they will have a clear understanding of
expectations of behavior, it saves time, and it provides structure.
1. Save your battery, keep your phone and devices packed away
2. Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise directed by
the teacher
3. Say your pleases and thank yous
4. Use materials and equipment properly
5. T.H.I.N.K. before you speak is it True, is it
Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, is it

1st offense warning/conference during or after class

2nd offense call home
3rd offense detention
4th offense administrative referral
**the teacher reserves the right to skip steps based upon the
severity of the violation

Classwork Policy: Students will be expected to complete all classwork

assignments and stay on task from bell to bell. On Mondays the students will copy
the weeks agenda so they will have a preview of what we are doing each day.
Entrance Policy: I will be at the classroom doorway to greet students each
day as they walk into class. Students will walk into class and immediately
turn in any homework assignments at the homework station in front of the
class. They will then go to their assigned seats and begin their bellwork.
They will be expected to do this professionally and quietly with all electronic
devices put away before they enter.
Dismissal Policy: Most days students will be dismissed by completing a
Ticket Out the Door. Once they have done the closure assignment they
still may not leave without my permission and until the final bell rings. Each
minute with my students is precious so any student that packs up early and
is not working when they are supposed to will hold the entire class after the
bell for as much time as they wasted getting ready to leave early.
Bellwork Policy: Students will keep bellwork notebooks that will be
collected at the end of every week for a grade to be recorded. Bellwork will
last about the first five minutes of class and students are expected to write
continuously in their notebooks until the time is up. Bellwork cannot be
made up if the student is absent.
Communication: On my website ( I will
post each quarters calendar of daily class activities, lessons, as well as hyperlinked
assignments so you may access them anywhere. Parents are welcome to follow
along with the class to see our daily goals and agendas and post questions or
comments to the blog. I prefer email as a means of communication and parents can
expect frequent reports of their childs progress in class both positive
and negative. Of course I can be reached by phone and will respond
any voicemails by the next business day. Translators are also
available through the school at no cost and I will be happy to make
arrangements to communicate in whatever way is most convenient for


Attendance & Participation (includes Bell Work & Agenda)

100 pts
Quizzes/Book Reviews & Talks
Exams/Culminating Projects/Essays


Applied Project I
Applied Project II

100 pts

Grading Scale:

Below 60%


Grades will be posted online so both students and parents can see the
progress throughout the school year. I will strive for a quick grading turn
around so students can receive feedback as quickly as possible. Essays and
large projects will be graded and returned one week from the due dates.
Daily participation will be added to the posted grades at the end of each

AZ Standards for 8th Grade Language Arts:

Throughout the semester, the following standards will be used (for a detailed
breakdown, visit )
Reading: Reading Process (will be applied to all class reading)

Print Concepts
Phonemic Awareness

Comprehension Strategies
Comprehending Literary Text
Elements of Literature
Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature
Comprehending Informational Text (will be used during daily warmups)


Expository Text
Functional Text
Persuasive Text
Writing Process
Writing Elements (will apply to all written work)
Ideas and Content
Sentence Fluency
Writing Applications

Literary Response

My Vision: When teachers show their acceptance of students, and students begin to see and
understand that teachers care, school can be mutually satisfying to both students and teachers.
Diversity is what makes learning in an English classroom environment possible because it
facilitates discussions and learning through different lenses at all levels. Influenced by Madeline
Hunter, Dr. Fred Jones, Dr. Harry Wong, and mostly by Dr. Richard Lavoie, I appreciate
multimodal learning in the classroom. Thanks to the research of Dr. Lavoie, I am now a
proponent to preventative discipline. Teachers have become too reactive with students and not

proactive. As a teacher I will set up my students for success and not wait for them to fail to
address any issues.


Teacher Signature: __________________________________

I understand the policies and procedures that Mrs. Ammons has outlined
for her 8th Grade English Language Arts Class, and my student and I have
received a copy of the class syllabus and calendar for the 2017-2018
school year.

Students Name: ___________________________________ Class Period: _______________

Parents Signature: ________________________________________

(Please detach and return to Mrs. Ammons by the end of Week 1)

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