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Technology Integration Matrix

Colorado Academic

Standards Standards for
for Teachers





Teachers are letting the

students use their own tools
and thinking when it comes
to number senses. The
students are given the
option to pick sounds that
will help them better
understand numbers and
how they can be added,
subtracted, divided, or

To make it seem a little

less tedious you could
time the students and
see how fast they can
listen to the sound and
then complete the

I would like the

students to brainstorm
at home what they feel
the best sound would
be for each number.I
then would want them
to write it down and
bring it in class the
next day.

1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

Teachers will have

the students create
a sound scape that
will connect a
sound with a
1,3, 4, & 5
Teachers will then
have their students
listen to the sounds
and use them to
help with a
1,3, 4, & 5

Students will connect

a different sound
with each number so
when they hear that
particular sound they
are able to notice
what number it is.
Students then will
complete a
worksheet where
they will have to
listen to sounds and
based on those
sounds they will write
the number followed
by adding or
subtracting those
numbers sounds they

Students are creating a

new method on how to
use sound help them
better understand
numbers or how to work
with them.
Remember, Apply, and

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic

3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability

Teachers will have

students create
sound checks on
how pattern form
Teachers will have
the students take
the numbers that
they have already
corresponded with
sounds and create
an algebraic
structure with.

Teachers will have

their students create
a soundscape that
will help them better
understand how the
statistics of age
occurs within a

Students will then

take these
soundscape and
create a pattern of
their own where they
are then able to post
it on their person
blog so everyone else
in the class is able to
see it.
Students will then
share their algebraic
structure where other
students are to
complete the

Students will use this

soundscape to help
them better
understand how
statistics work within a

Students are using sound

as a tool to better
understand how algebraic
structures and patterns
Remember, Apply, and

Students are interpreting

the graph to better
understand how it can
show statistics.

Teachers are letting the

students choose how they
want to learn as well letting
them set the pace. The
sound checks let each
student be creative and
learn themselves instead of
being drilled by tons of

The decoding of the

soundscapes will the
game within itself.

Students are to pick a

partner within the
classroom where they
then will take either
the soundscape for the
pattern or algebraic
structure and is to
decode the it for

Teachers can use

soundscapes in this instance
to help them teach
statistics. This is a new
innovative way to show how
we can use graphs to inter
prate data.

Like other examples we

can have the students
make a game out of
guess what the
numbers is based on
the sound.

Students are to explore

graphs better while
using the soundscape to
help them along the

Teachers are finding a new

creative way to use
soundscapes to help their
students to understand
numeral concepts better.

There is no game that

really corresponds with
how I want these
students to understand
geometric standards.

Students are to solidify

their knowledge even
more and practice
these numbers at




4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric

Teachers can use

soundscapes to
help teach the
three different
type of triangles
there are in
Teachers can use
sound scales to
label graphs
instead of actual
numbers so they
can have the
students familiarize
themselves with
the sounds.

Students can use the

sound scape to
reference back to
when they are to
complete their
homework on
geometric problems.
Students will be able
to read graphs that
have no numbers at
all but just sounds.
This will help them
engrain the numbers
in their head as well
how they can be

Students are using

previous knowledge to be
able to help them better
understand how other
math functions work. This
is preparing the student
that may struggle with
just looking at how to use
Apply and Understand



Reading, Writing, and Communicating

1. Oral Expression and

Teacher will
present a sound
scape that is based
on a fa
famous speech from
the 1920s.
1,2, &5
The teacher will
create their own
soundcheck to first
present what a
consists of.

Students will have to

make the best
educated guess to
which famous speech
that the soundscapes
is based off of.
The students will
learn what and how
to use a soundscape.

Students are using

soundscape as a tool to
better understand a
famous speech as well
just learn how to create a
sound scape in general.
Remember, Apply

Teachers are using different

tools other than the original
power points, documents,
or videos to help their
students grasp a certain

With the students

having to try to guess
the soundscape, the
activity can be fun and
a collaborative process.

Students are to further

their knowledge on
soundscapes and
research the topic.
They are to go on the
class website where
they will be able to
access information on

2. Reading for All


3. Writing and

The teachers will

have their students
use soundscapes
while reading to
help them retain
the story better.
Then after getting
a better feel about
soundscapes with
reading then they
can create their
own soundscapes to
go with a picture
book they enjoy

Students can use

soundscapes to help
them learn how to
read pictures book in
a whole new light.
When creating a
soundscape of their
own they are able to
pick any picture book
that they enjoy to
help them better
understand how
soundscapes can be
used to read.

Teachers can use

soundscapes with
writing by using it
as a dvicd to help
the students who
Teachers are can
use soundscapes as
a device to help
teach students how
to create five
paragraph paper.

Students who tend to

struggle with
grammar and
composition can use
soundscapes to help
them better
understand writing
Students can listen to
a soundscape created
by their teacher and
use it to help them
understand how to
write a five
paragraph paper.

Student are learning a

new concept to help
them further their
education in soundscapes
and understanding writing
within picture books.

Teachers are using a new

source to help the students
retain information other
than handing worksheets

The best part of the

less is letting the
students get to be
creative and let them
choose the path they
would like to take to
learn about reading

Students are to work on

their soundscapes at
home so they are ready
to present it in front of
the class.

Teachers are using

soundscapes to help them
strengthen the areas of
learning that they may
struggle with.

If students are
continually not
understand grammar or
punctuation then they
could find games to
help the practice.

Students are to look at

these soundscapes at
home as well play the
games at home.

Understand create

The students are using

soundscapes to help them
organize their thoughts
better, so therefore they
can write a cohesive

4. Research and

Teachers are to
have their students
research a topic
and create a
Teachers will let
their students
listen to
soundscapes and
then research
based on what they

Students are to first

research their topic
and then create a
soundscape based on
the topic they
Students will listen to
a soundscape and
from there dig
further into the
soundscape and
investigate about
what the sound scape
is about. They are
then to research the

Students are using

soundscapes to better
understand how to devlop
deeper thinking processes
as well a use it as a tool
to help them with
expelling their research.

Teachers are forcing their

students to go outside of
their comfort zone by using
soundscapes as useful tool.

As a game students can

make the research fun
by the first one who
understands their
research and gets done
the quickest wins

students are to create

their soundscapes at
home so they can bring
all the information to

Teachers are using

soundscapes to help their
students broaden just the
simple view point of each
speech or time period. They
are making the students
think about what other
factors make the contents
so historical and important.

Student are able to

pick from either the
famous speech or time
period. They are then
to create a soundscape
that they then will
present in fron of the

Students are to work on

their soundscapes at
home and come to class

Social Studies
1. History

Teachers are to
pick a famous
speech and show
their students the
sounds that
corresponds with
that famous
1,2,& 5
Teachers are to use
a famous time
period and have
the class pick what
they believe sounds
correspond to that
time period.

Students are to take

the sounds from the
famous speech or
famous time period and
create a soundscape
which they will them
post on their

Students are using famous

periods or speeches to
create a soundscape that
can help them look at the
subject more in depth.

2. Geography

3. Economics

Teachers can pull

up a map that has
designated to each
Teachers can use
soundscapes to
help the students
to better
understand the
culture behind a
different country.
Teachers can use
soundscapes as a
tool to help the
student determine
money and its
A sound scape
could be created
for each place
money travels too,
so the students can
see how money
travels the U.S.

Students can go to a
country and listen to
a sound scape that
unique to that
country in itself.
Students can listen to
these sounds and
better understand
what makes each
country so unique.

Students are using

soundscapes to help
them better
understand how money
works within the
system. Students are
also learning the
importance on how
money is dealt with.

Students are checking

each country to see why
and what makes each
country different from
each other

Teachers are using

soundscapes as a hands-on
and minds-on activity to
help them better
understand culture.

Students are able to

press any country and
listen a different
soundscape and see
how unique each one

If students are to
further their knowledge
the interactive
soundscape would be
posted on the class
website for their access
and use.

Teachers are using

soundscapes to help their
students broaden just the
simple view point of each
money and its created and
moved. It is making the
students think about what
other factors make the
contents so historical and

Students can always

play education games
that could help them
better understand
currency and how it
works in the system.

If students are to
further their knowledge
the interactive
soundscape would be
posted on the class
website for their access
and use.


Students are
understanding how
money works and
applying it to everyday

4. Civics

Teachers can
create a
soundscape to help
their students
better understand
the three branches
of government.
Then after the
student get a
understanding of
the three branches
then they can use
soundscapes to
help them
understand the
roles between the
three branches.

Students are using

soundscapes to help
them better
understand how the
three branches of
government works
within the system.
Students are also
learning the
importance they have
within our country.

Students are
understanding how the
government works and
applying it to everyday
life and needs.

Teachers are using

soundscapes to help their
students broaden just the
simple view point of
government and how its
created. It is making the
students think about what
other factors make the
contents so historical and

Students can always

play education games
that could help them
better understand
government and how it
works in the system.

If students are to
further their knowledge
the interactive
soundscape would be
posted on the class
website for their access
and use.

Teachers are using

soundscapes as a hands-on
and minds-on activity to
help them better
understand how physical
science concepts work and
or created.

Students are unsung

soundscapes for a new
and creative way to
help them learn about
physical Science.

Students are to
practice their simple
experiment at home
and then present it in
groups of three the
next day.


1. Physical Science

Teachers will have

their students
conduct an
experiment that
will also be
conducted using a
Then the students
would have to
listen to a sound
scape themselves
to see if they can
detect what is
happening within
the experiment.
1,3,4,& 5

Students can create an

experiment that also
has a soundscape that
goes along with it.
Then it will help them
better understand the
experiment in itself.

Students are apply

previous knowledge to
help them better
understand systems
evaluate apply

2. Life Science

3. Earth Systems

Teachers gave their

students create a
soundscape for an
animal of their
Then students can
listen to
soundscapes and
try to detect what
animal is within the
habitat they are
Teachers can
present the class
with a sound scape
that can express
sounds of how
water runs down
stream and what
other elements
sound like as it
goes down stream.
Teachers can use
the same idea but
this time they
could pick a
different source
such as atronomy.

Students can create a

soundscape that
creates a habitat for an
animal. They are then
to try to identify what
animal it is by listening
to the habitat.

Students are apply

previous knowledge to
help them better
understand systems

Teachers are using

soundscapes as a hands-on
and minds-on activity to
help them better
understand how Biology
concepts work and or

The game could be that

students have to listen
to a classmates
soundscape and see if
they can guess the
correct animal.

Students can continue

their research at home
so they are prepared
for class the next day.

Teachers are unsung

soundscapes and previous
knowledge to help them
broaden their thinking
about how elements of the
earth work.

Students are unsung

soundscapes for a new
and creative way to
help them learn about
the Earthss ecosystem.

Students can continue

their research at home
so they are prepared
for class the next day.

evaluate apply


Students can use these

soundscapes to help
them better
understand how certain
earthly objects ove
through the world and
how they effet
everyday life and

Students are apply

previous knowledge to
help them better
understand systems
evaluate apply



Learning Disabilities EEOs

Physical Disabilities

The teachers will

have their students
that struggle with
reading use
soundscapes to
help them retain
the story better.
Teachers can use
soundscapes to
help the students
who have an
attention disorder
to help them focus
Teachers can use
soundscapes to
help the students
who are hearing
Teacher can also
use soundscapes to
help the students
find a new tool to
help them with
their assignments.

For the students that

have disabilities with
reading or focusing we
could use soundscapes
to help them listen to a
story instead of having
to read it visually.

Students are using

soundscapes to help them
better understand their


These students are

using the soundscapes
for their own personal
help so therefore they
are able to tinker with
the soundscapes as
much as needed.

These students are able

to acesses these sound
scales from the comfort
of their own homes.
Therefore they do not
need to worry about
not being able to read
with out the teacher or
the tools.

Teachers are using

technology to their
advantage by using
soundscapes to help their
students be able to keep up
with work as well get a
better understanding.

The students are able

to create a soundscape
that they feel best fit
for them.Creativity is

Students will be able to

access these
soundscapes from the
comfort of their on

Teachers are using

technology to their
advantage by using
soundscapes to help their
gifted students be able to
set the standards higher for
their education.

There is no game for

this type of lesson
other than being able
to be creative with
their soundscapes.

Students are to
practice sound scales at
home where they will
be able to accesses

understand apply


Students can use

soundscapes to help
them produce their
work. For the students
who struggle with a
physical disability can
use soundscapes to
help them produce
work at a faster and
more simpler rate.

Students are using

soundscapes either
created by their teacher
or themselves to help
with what would be
difficult to do without
Create Evaluate


Gifted/ Talented
Teachers can use
soundscapes to help
the gifted and
talented students to
get their brains
thinking more in
depth about a
certain content area.

Teachers are using

soundscapes to help them
strengthen the areas of
learning that they may
struggle with.

Students can create

soundscapes to help
create a more in depth
thought process of a
certain content area.

Students are using

soundscapes either
created by their teacher
or themselves to help
with taking them through
their assignments more in
Create Evaluate

Reflection: To start off, I feel as though creating a matrix for soundscapes was very difficult and almost impossible in some cases. There were some
areas that I knew right away what I want to do and other areas that I felt I had to dig deep to even find an activity. For example, in the math area I

really struggled to come up with two fun and creative ideas to use soundscapes. Out of the whole semester I feel as though out the semester the
matrixes had gotten harder to create. It was very difficult to keep the ideas fresh and not receptive cause theres really only so many uses you can do
with soundscapes. However, I did come up with some ideas that I would like to use within my classroom. For, example I think they are a useful
resource to use with weather and history, which could make a fun activity for the students. I really am starting to get a hang of how to create these
matrixes and have them be a useful tool for my future classroom.

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