Research Proposal Polished Draft

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Lindsay Hastings

Autumn Payne
Research Proposal for Comp 1

Foreign Missions: This is not a popular topic for many people because of its requirements of
selflessness and money. Being a missionary in a foreign country is a difficult, expensive, emotional, and
overall terrifying experience. Choosing to leave your home to serve others full time, in a culture that is
foreign to you is one of the most painful yet rewarding experiences I know. But I believe that being a
missionary is worth all of heartache and struggle that goes with it.
Research question or problem with tentative thesis
The purpose of this essay is to bring to light some of the pros and cons of foreign missions,
specifically short term mission trips. My experience with foreign missions has been in connection with
my church, The Summit Church. The Summit Church has sent out many full time missionaries and sends
out several short-term mission teams every year. Many people believe that short-term mission trips are a
waste of time and money. In this essay I will prove that short-term missions are worth all of the time
and money spent. Short-term missions change the lives of all involved and I believe that if done right
short-term missions are an invaluable experience. Having seen firsthand the wonderful things that can
come from short term mission trips, I will use my past experiences and knowledge of my sources to
convince my audience.

Discussion of topic:
According to the article (Roots of the Short-Term Missionary 1960-1985 (A brief history of shortterm mission in America (Part 1).) ,Brian Howell.) The history of short-terms missions began in 19461960, after world war II after young men who had seen the world during the war felt a desire to go back
to the countries where they had fought, in the hopes of helping them after the devastation of the war. This
was a small beginning of what is now a very popular part of churches in this day and age.
I believe foreign missions can change the world. If foreign missions cease because of the general
negative outlook, the USA will continue hoarding its wealth and ignore poverty in the world. We will
miss the opportunity to make a difference. I will convince my audience that the goal of short-term
missions is to help and bless people. I will discuss the good and bad results short-terms missions, and
convince my audience that the good outweighs the bad. My preliminary audience would be anyone who
goes who is involved in a church. Most churches talk about missions from time to time. The majority of
church goers have misconceptions about missions, either romanticizing or condemning them. I would say
that there are more romanticizers than condemners. In this essay I want to eradicate these misconceptions
and reveal the true heart behind foreign mission trips. Most people think of building a house or fixing a
roof as the goals of mission trips, but I want to show people that there is more. There are many ways we
can bless people. In foreign missions, there are innumerable ways to learn to give up trying to satisfying
yourself, and work to help others. Purely motivated missions sent by a church are an effort to let go of
selfish ambition and to give of oneself to bless another, even if it means making yourself uncomfortable.
This is an important topic at this time because in this day and age the USA tends to think of itself as the
the best country. We need to understand that we are not superior to any country and we should be
willing to sacrifice for other countries. Not everything is about us.

I am able to discuss these topics from experience because I have been on three short-term mission
trips in the past, and was born to a missionary family. I have experienced going on a short-term trip, and
being on the receiving end of short term mission teams. I have seen and felt the deep impact foreign
missions have on the team members and the people the team is helping. In this essay I will use both my
experience and information from people with more experience than I. I will interview one former
missionary Danny Jones and someone who is currently serving as a missionary Josh Howard. I will also
integrate information from blogs from missionaries on the subject. These men have extensive experience
on the subject and can tell me many things I do not know and provide information and clarification for
my questions.

Review of Sources
Danny Jones is the missions pastor at my church. Danny was born to a missionary family
in_________ and lived there for __ years. He also served as a missionary in Slovakia for ________ years.
Danny has a passion for missions and travels all around the world annually as a professional speaker,
preaching and visiting other missionaries.
Personal Interview with Josh Howard
Josh Howard is a full time missionary serving in Slovakia. Joshs mission is to reach out the
youth of the Slovakia. One of Joshs responsibilities as an American missionary is to facilitate and orient
short-term mission teams. Josh does this many times every years and has much experience on the subject
Article: Why Most Mission Trips Are A Waste Of Time, (And How To Make Sure Yours
Isn't), By Noel Becchetti

The author of this blog: Noel Becchetti, was the president of Center for Student Missions from
January 1996 September 2008. He currently serves at the Vice President for Leader Development for
Asian Access. In this article Noel Becchetti discusses why mission trips can sometimes be detrimental
and tells us what a successful mission trip is and what is not.
Blog: On Short Term Missions {Justifying the Truckl/oad of Cash Spent} by LAURA
PARKER on MAY 10, 2012:
Laura Parker is a missionary in SE Asia. She wrote this blog on how much money is spent on
short term foreign mission teams and whether it is better simply to give this money as a donation rather
spending it on short term trips.

Blog: How to make sure your mission trip is effective. By Michelle Acker Perez
Michelle Acker Perez is a Missionary serving in Guatemala. She wrote this blog about the positive
and negative effect of short term mission teams.

Youtube video: John Piper Are mission trips worth doing?

This video is of an interview with John Piper discussing the negative aspects of short term mission
trips and whether these trips are worth the trouble.

Article (Roots of the Short-Term Missionary 1960-1985 (A brief history of short-term mission in America
(Part 1).) ,Brian Howell.)
This article shows and in depth study of the past of foreign missions and what made foreign missions
what they are now. This article is written by Brian Howell, an anthropology professor at Wheaton college.

Each one of these sources has experience in the field of long term missions and short-term
missions. I will use their words and opinions to reinforce my argument and bring new perspectives. My
sources provide a mixture of support for my topic as well as some counterarguments. I will use these to
who a perspective of all sides of the subject.

Fri, Mar 4

Polished draft of proposal due on blackboard including working bibliography 75 pts

Wed, Mar 9

Revised outline due on blackboard 10 pts

Tues, Mar 15

Research paper peer review draft due on blackboard 20 pts

Wed, Mar 16

Research paper peer review in class

Thurs, Mar 17 Peer review assignment due on blackboard 20 pts

Wed, Mar 30

polished research paper due on blackboard 150 pts

Interview with DJones
Interview with Josh Howard
Blog: Why Most Mission Trips Are A Waste Of Time, (And How To Make Sure Yours Isn't), By Noel

Blog: On Short Term Missions {Justifying the Truckload of Cash Spent}

by LAURA on MAY 10, 2012

Blog: How to make sure your mission trip is effective. By Michelle Acker Perez

Youtube video: John Piper Are mission trips worth doing?

Blog: How to make sure your mission trip is effective. By Michelle Acker Perez
Article (Roots of the Short-Term Missionary 1960-1985 (A brief history of short-term mission in America
(Part 1).) ,Brian Howell.)

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