April 22 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 22, 2016

Why should we see God in every being around us and most importantly, within
us, at all times? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Many venture to describe the attributes of God and

proclaim Him to be such and such; but these are but their
own guesses and the reflections of their own predilections
and preferences. Who can affirm that God is this or that?
Who can affirm that God is not of this form or with this
attribute? God is inscrutable. He cannot be realised in the
outer objective world; He is in the very heart of every
being. Gemstones have to be sought deep underground;
they do not float mid-air. Seek God in the depths of
yourself, not in tantalising, kaleidoscopic Nature. The body
is granted to you for this high purpose; but you are now
misusing it, like the person who cooked his daily food in
the gem studded gold vase that came into his hands as an
heirloom. Man extols God as omnipresent, omniscient and
omnipotent, but ignores His Presence in oneself!
- Divine Discourse Jun 19, 1974.

To gain liberation and to win Ramas grace, it is not enough to repeat His name;
you must practice the Rama principle. Baba

22 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,hr vyly,Awpxy ierd-igrd hr cIz iv`c Aqy Kws kr ky Awpxy
AMdr,Bgvwn nUM ikauN vyKxw cwhIdw hY ? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry Xwd
duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: keI lok,Bgvwn dy guxW nUM d`sx dI ih`mq krdy hn Aqy kihMdy hn ik
aunHW dw,ies qrHW dw jW aus qrHW dw rUp hY pr ieh swrw ku`J,aunHW dI AwpxI
soc jW pRwrQimkqw dy kwrx hY[p`ky qOr qy kOx kih skdw hY ik Bgvwn dw

ieh rUp hY jW auh rUp hY?kOx p`ky qOr qy kih skdw hY ik Bgvwn dw ieh rUp
nhIN hY jW aunHW iv`c ieh gux nhIN hY?
Bgvwn,mnu`K dI smJ qoN bwihr hn[aunHW nUM,bwhrly sMswr iv`c,nhIN jwixAw
jw skdw[auh qW hr iek dy ihrdy iv`c vws krdy hn[kImqI hIirAW nUM qW
zmIn dI fUMGweI qoN hI pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY Aqy auh hIry hvw iv`c nhIN
qYrdy[Bgvwn nUM,Awpxy AMdrlIAW gihrweIAW iv`c vyKo Aqy kyil`foskop XMqr
nwl vyKI cIz dI qrHW,nw soco[Bgvwn ny quhwnUM ieh SrIr,ies kMm leI id`qw
hY pr qusIN ies dw duraupXog ,aus mnu`K dI qrHW kr rhy ho ijs nUM ivrwsq
iv`c ,hIirAW nwl jiVAw sony dw brqn imilAw hY Aqy auh,Awpxw Kwxw aus
iv`c KWdw hY[mnu`K,Bgvwn nUM ieh soc ky KuS rihMdw hY ik Bgvwn,srvivAwpk hn,srv-SkqImwn hn Aqy srvgX hn pr auh ies scweI nUM Bu`l
jWdw hY ik auh,aus dy ihrdy iv`c vws krdy hn[(19 jUn,1974 dy idvX
mukqI hwsl krn Aqy rwm dw AwSIrvwd pRwpq krn leI,ieh zrUrI nhIN ik
qusIN aunHW dw nW jpo pr ieh zrUrI hY ik aunHW dy AsUlW nUM jIvn iv`c Fwl
ky,Awpxw jIvn bqIq kro[(bwbw)[

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