The Key To The Case: Phone No. 2-9297

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“9g. 7-806 df th ualnow' subject aad was further suspected beontse of his eagerness to-assist in the search for the missing girl on the night of Decenber 3, 1957. SA DAVID L. ‘BURTON ‘assisted in this interview. (he recorded reactions on the polygraph charts gia not reflect evidence of guilty imowledge of implication py TESSIER in this matter. Ib is believed that he was &. proper subject for such a test and would have reacted Rignifioantly if he had been involved. : ADMINISTRATIVE RE SUSPECT JOHN SAMUEL TESSIER, ake John Semel Cherry Mr. DAN SCHAEFER, general manbgery, Syoamoré-Ogle Telephone Company, Sycamore, Illinois, on December 9, 1957+ eee DAVID L. BURTON that his company records refleo informed SA ti was placed on tolephone number 2-2297, Rockford, Illinois, on December 3, 1957, to number 3257s Syeatore, Illinois, at approximately 6:57 pate om, that Team st latter number is listed to one RALLI B. pessist see sccording to his records, the call was made by Obe Ii ane eeSTER, “ir. SCHARFER was of the opinion thet the spelling of the nome TASSIER was merely ¢ ‘spelling error : ch the part of the operator who handled the call, He also 4 atated that this call lasted until 6:59 pem, and that it 3 was accepted by the TESSIER family in Sycamore. 7 : TBADS re tf eadlSt oft So aa investigation conducted Rong ts if. Sf 608 gD cago dated 12/13/57 ft 1/975. z “d Report of SA RAYMOND A, DRISCOLL at Chicago dated 12/13/5T. INTHE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTY THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CASENO.: 11 CF 454 Plaintiffs, vs. JACK D. MeCULLOUGH, Defendant. SUBPOENA / SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM ‘Name: Illinois Bell Telephone d/b/a AT&T Illinois At Address: 225 West Randolph Street, Suite 25B__ t City/State/Zip:Chicago, IL 60606 2 Address:. City/State/Zip: ‘pimes eee YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND COMMANDED TO eee before the 23 Judicial ‘Court, DeKalb County, at the DeKalb County Courthouse, 133" ii alg fai ‘on, December 31, 2015 at ie hour: '0f9:00,; stron teneminae contering those things of which you may have knowledge, concariitig the ‘cause now ‘pending on behalf of the Defendant: [x] SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM. If box is checked, you are commanded to produce at the same time and place aforesaid, the following documents or tangible things which may consis evidence relating to the sli au and whch ae Heed bélow oF on the etached lst YOUR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS SUBPOENA MAY SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. NOTICE TO WITNESS The atoey who has requested this Subpoens is tised herein, Any questions reading your knowledge of the subject matter or testimony in the case at hand should be directed to him/her. NOTICE Supreme Court Rulé 204(c) requires the Clerk to issue Subpoenas on request, except Subpoenas for discovery depositions of nonparty PHYSICIANS which require an ORDER OF COURT. It also requires that the original be filed with the Clerk after service has been made, with ptoper return therecn. WITNESS, MAUREEN A. JOSH, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at hey officg in DeKalb Courity, Iinois. pateD:_ 2x2 /S he — of the Circuit Court 4 atat ATET Services In. 225 W,Randaipn Steet Floor 254/8 oieago, 60608 January 5, 2016 RECE| Ven Via Ovemight Delivery Honorable Wiliam P. Brad\ oN 08 ag jonorable Wiliam P, Brady 23 Judicial Cirouit Court DEKALB C Dekalb County Courthouse OUNTy 189 West State Street - Room 300 Sycamore, IL 60178 Re: People of the State of Illinois v. Jack McCullough, Case No. 11 CF 454 Dear Judge Brady, Illinois Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Illinois (‘Ilinois Belt’) is in receipt of the attached subpoena from the DeKalb County State's Attomey Richard Schmack. Enclosad is Illinois Bell's response consisting of a spreadsheet showing the location of its payphone 8159629297. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. | can be reached at. 312-727-8717. Very truly yours, Christine J. Hansen Senior Paralegal CJH/pe Enclosures cc: Mark Lewis

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