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Dalton Snook

What is systematic racism?

Systematic Racism...

Systemic racism describes forms of racism which

are structured into political and social institutions. It
occurs when organizations, institutions or
governments discriminate, either deliberately or
indirectly, against certain groups of people to limit
their rights.
This form of racism reflects the cultural assumptions
of the dominant group, so that the practices of that
group are seen as the norm to which other cultural
practices should conform. It regularly and

The Wealth Gap

What if.

These root causes can decrease
the gap by nearly 43%, as
compared to 11% when looking at
individual income factors.
We need to make the value of the
white household dollar equal
that of minority families.

Inequality in Congress

The gap becomes even more pronounced when we

consider race: The median black household holds a mere
$11,000 in assets, while Latino households have only

The Divide of the Classes

Americas upper-income families have a

median net worth that is nearly 70 times
that of the countrys lower-income
families, also the widest wealth gap
between these families in 30 years.


Housing Discrimination

Incarceration Rates

The Fix?

Drop the White Guilt...

Systemic Solutions to Americas Systemi

c Racism Problem

Works Cited:

"Systemic Solutions to America's

Systemic Racism Problem."At A
Crossroads Noah Filipiak. 2014. Web.
23 Feb. 2016.
"Wealth Inequality Is 10 times Worse
than Income Inequality |."Fortune
Wealth Inequality in America Its
Worse than You Think Comments.
2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
"Housing Discrimination - Google
Search."Housing Discrimination -

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