Laws of Life Essay Final 1

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Josh Gee
Mrs. Henry
Service Learning, Period 4
12 April 2016
Reflecting on life
I was born to a family of four on December 11, 1997. I grew up in a Christian household
and had meaningful values instilled in me; some of which I currently hold close to my heart. My
parents were weekly church goers with a strong faith in God. As a little kid, they taught me the
importance of serving within the church. I was always eager to help. For example, at the age of
six, I tried to help move a stack of ten chairs by myself but almost knocked it over. While I had a
vague understanding of a servants heart, I never had a true understanding of what it meant to
actually help others. I would not have truly come to grasp this quality until I faced adversity in
my life; adversity which almost drove me into committing suicide my eighth grade year from a
depression that felt like it was never-ending. It was during this darkest time in my life that I
realized I wanted to have an impact on peoples lives because of how my mentors and supporters
changed and, ultimately, saved mine. I define my laws of life as a selfless heart to serve others
and be generous with my time.
Throughout the course of my life, I have enjoyed serving in various capacities but the
roots of my selflessness stemmed from the household and family from which I was born and
raised. Throughout the first year and half of my high school career, I hopped from one career
choice to another; indecisive and unsure of what I wanted to do. Amidst the uncertainty, I knew I
wanted a career that would serve others and would have a lasting impact on the lives around me.
I have always been a loyal person to the friends I make and always do my best to let people

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know that they can come to me if they need to talk to somebody or need to get something off
their mind. My ultimate goal is to make sure everybody experiences the same joy and happiness
which I had shortly after my depression had been lifted. Although it would not happen right
away, I had the opportunity to serve on a junior high worship team under my brothers leadership
towards the end of my freshmen year. This brought me joy because I not only had fun in the band
but I also witnessed a new generation of growing Christians as I continued in my faith. Having a
selfless heart and wanting to serve have been at the core of my being ever since I began high
school. I have served on various worship teams during my freshmen and sophomore years,
served as vice president of the Knights for Christ Club, currently in student leadership and trying
to help serve the student body in whatever way I possibly can. Recently, I served at Habitat for
Humanity for my Service Learning project.
I plan on using my selflessness to serve others in as many ways I possibly can. I have a
desire as one young adult to make the world harmonious. I have many years ahead of me and
plan on using them to the highest extent of my capabilities. After I graduate high school, I will
attend a local community college as a music vocal major and transfer to a four-year university to
become a music teacher. I will teach private music lessons on the side of my main profession. Its
been nearly two years in the making and my dream of pursuing music is slowly coming to
fruition right before my eyes. My passion for music was rooted in the church during my
sophomore year but I did not begin to pursue it until my junior year; the same year I joined
Buckinghams Jazz class. Since then, things have been smooth sailing and my plans are
developing slowly. I have offered to give friends and classmates basic guitar lessons and have
been asked to give a person private lessons at one point in time. During my time in college, I
would like to save some money so I can take a cross-country trip with my girlfriend to

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experience different parts of America, see more diversity in music beyond pop music, and grow
as a musician. As a jazz/blues guitarist, I play my rhythmic blues instrumentals with a subtle hint
of country and old school rock guitar licks and riffs. Ideally, I would like to graduate from
college with an AA degree and Bachelors degree in music. Wherever I choose to work will be
where I choose to live and play music. Im hoping to move out of California and live close a city
or a large suburban community that is full of musical and cultural diversity. Once I do settle
down, I plan on getting plugged into the community, continue to write music, and to book gigs at
local coffee shops, bars, and other locations booming with daily activities. Seeing how it can take
its toll on the person after so many years, I made the decision that I am not going to try and be as
famous as Luke Bryan or Justin Beiber but I would still like to be known as a local musical icon.
As a sidenote, I would also like to serve my community through my music and other talents
which I have discovered in my high school career. Additionally, I would like to find ways to give
back by serving alongside the military, police, and firefighters through volunteer work in the
community. To me, I just want to be able to make the place I live in as harmonious as I possibly
can because we live a short life and I have a lot I would like to accomplish in my lifetime.
However, nothing matters more than bringing joy and a smile to the faces of other people when
they hear my music.
I never realized how much drive I had and how much I enjoyed serving others until some
well-spent self-reflection time for this assignment This project has also taught me that the
qualities of generosity and selflessness complement each other because a person can be selfless
and generous and vice versa. Quite frankly, it is contingent upon the context of the situation at
hand. Ill be forthcoming and admit that I never really put these two together and connected the
dots between these similar personality traits until this moment. My mind was also opened to a

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world of possible ways I can serve others; ways in which, I never thought could work for myself.
All in all, I contain an innate ability to be selfless and serve others with music escorting the
pathway in life.

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