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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

What on Earth Are Maps?
1st grade
Social Studies
Lesson length: 90 minutes, 2 days
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 25
Male students: 10
Female students: 15
Students with low learning skills:2
ESL Student:0
Hearing Impaired:0
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (two to three students)
Interpersonal learners (one or two students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)
State Objectives

The student will develop map skills by

a) recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and
b) using cardinal directions on maps;


The student will construct a simple map of a familiar area, using basic map
symbols in the map legend.


The student will describe how the location of his/her community, climate, and
physical surroundings affect the way people live, including their food, clothing,
shelter, transportation, and recreation.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

Teacher computer
Promethean board
Individual computers or iPads for students
Printed K-W-L charts (25)

Whiteboards & Markers
Theres a Map on my Lap book
Teacher white board
Arts supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, paper)
Whole group reading of Theres a Map on my Lap
Whole group KWL chart based on map
Whole group introduction of maps, reviewing what was found in the book
Seat work exploring Google Earth to find familiar locations

Dream vacation (teacher station)

Monster Milk truck

Create your own country

Individually finish the KWL chart after lesson and centers
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Teacher computer will be used to pull up map to show to the class in order to start the KW-L chart and brainstorming
Promethean board Use to show the map from the computer
Individual laptops will be used to explore Google Earth to find school
Individual laptops will be used to play Monster Milk Trucks (students drive a milk truck
through Google Earth)
Individual laptops will be used to research for dream vacation activity and create your own
country activity
Printed K-W-L charts use to start the discussion with students. Students will look at a map
quietly and fill in the chart for everything they know and everything they want to know. This
will be used to lead a class discussion.
Map use as a visual to aid with the K-W-L chart. This will also be used when it is time to
talk about the features on a map and what important aspects students need to understand.
Theres a Map on My Lap the book will be the hook for the lesson. Students will listen to
this story during a whole group read aloud at the beginning of the lesson.
White board & markers used during the teacher station where students describe their
dream vacation. They will create use this for note taking purposes and a small group
Teacher white board used to write student questions from the KWL chart
Arts supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, paper) used to help students create their own

Whole Group reading of Theres a Map on My Lap TTW read the story to the class and
point out important details throughout.
Whole group KWL chart based on map TTW display a map of the world. TTW guide the
students in filling out the first two columns of the KWL chart. TSW write (or draw
pictures to represent) what they already know and what questions they might have.
Whole group introduction of maps TTW discuss what was found in the story briefly. TTW
ask students to share what they had in the Know column of their KWL. TSW then share
what questions they had. TTW write the questions on a white board as a basis for research.
Seat work exploring Google Earth to find familiar locations TTW explain that the class will
be using Google Earth as a basis for their research and exploration. TSW spend a few
minutes exploring Google Earth. TTW guide them in finding familiar locations.
Centers Students will rotate through three centers
Dream vacation (teacher station) TTW help students decide on their dream vacation
location. They will do this by thinking about the climate in these areas (in simple terms),
whether there should be a city, a beach, lakes, mountains, etc. TSW explore areas on
Google Earth in order to decide which areas fit their vacation best and choose the location.
Monster Milk truck TSW independently play the Monster Milk truck game in order to
explore Google Earth on their own
Create your own country TSW spend time creating a simple map of their own makebelieve country. They will need to include the features discussed (continent, country, city,
water, land, labels, etc.) The country can be as detailed as the student likes, as long as it
includes all map features.
Individual L column in chart The student will complete the last section of the KWL as the
ending to the lesson.
Require Learner Participation
Whole Group KWL Discussion:
At this time, TTW ask the students to share what they already know about maps. TTW
guide the students in a discussion about some information that is already known (and
correcting any misconceptions at this time). TSW then share what questions they might
have about maps. TTW write these questions down. The questions will be used to guide the
learning throughout the lesson.
Whole Group Introduction to Maps:
TTW introduce the student to the map and point out key features that were talk about in the
book and in the KWL discussion. Students will be given the opportunity to explain their
thinking and point out different features on the map.
Whole Group Instruction of Center Activities:
TTW explain and demonstrate how to complete each center activity. Students will be asked
to explain which center they should visit first in order to ensure understanding. TTW will ask
one student to show where the supplies can be found for the Create Your Own Country
activity. After that student returns, TTW ask another student to remind the class where

whiteboards and markers can be found for the teacher table. Lastly, TTW ask one student
to explain how they can get to the Monster Milk Truck activity (through their Symbaloo).
Small Group Center Activities:
TSW work in groups of eight for each center (though one group will work individually, while
the Map Creating group may work in pairs). Each center will last twenty minutes.
Create Your Own Map TSW create a map of their own country. They may work in
partners and share ideas.
Monster Milk Truck TSW explore Google Earth through this game.
Dream Vacation TSW plan and find their dream vacation location. They will need to
consider different factors based on what kind of vacation they want and search
locations using Google Earth

Evaluate & Revise

Student Performance:
TSW be evaluated in the Create Your Own Map Center. TTW decide whether the student
has added all of the necessary features and labeled their map accordingly. Maps, when
finished, will hang in the hallway. TSW also be informally evaluated during the Dream
Vacation center by asking questions while the student works to understand their thinking.
TTW determine if they are correctly using information about the climate and features in
order to determine location. TSW be evaluated by finishing the last part of their KWL chart
and explaining what they Learned during the lesson. TTW also watch to see that students
are following rule, showing correct behavior, and working well with their classmates.
Instructor Performance:
TTW determine, based on the maps and the questions asked during the Dream Vacation
center, if the material has been sufficiently covered and taught well. TTW also collect the
KWL charts and see if the students have learned the material. If more information is need,
TTW administer a short assessment (preferably using Kahoot).
Media Performance:
Students should be able to explore Google Earth and locate different places. If students are
able to use Google Earth and research any questions or images they may need to help
them along, then the media was used successfully.

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