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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 23, 2016

What is the craving all seekers must have and what is the path to attain this?
Bhagawan gives us a clarion call today.
Since I moved freely among people, talking and
singing with them, even intellectuals were unable to
grasp My truth, My power, My glory, or My real task
as Avatar. I can solve any problem however knotty. I
am beyond the reach of the most intensive enquiry
and the most meticulous measurement. Only those
who have recognised My love and experienced it can
assert that they have glimpsed My reality. Do not
attempt to know Me through the external eyes. When
you go to a temple and stand before the image of
God, you pray with closed eyes, don't you? Why?
Because you feel that the inner eye of wisdom alone
can reveal Him to you. Therefore do not crave from
Me trivial material objects; but, crave for Me from
within, and you will be rewarded. The path of Love is
the royal road that leads mankind to Me. My grace is
ever available to devotees who have steady love and
- Divine Discourse, 19 June 1974.

Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed. Baba

23 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn vwilAW dI kI ie`Cw hoxI cwhIdI hY Aqy ies nUM
pRwpq krn dw ikhVw rsqw hY?Bgvwn , A`j swnUM, ies bwry jwgrUp krdy
au`qr: lokW dy ivckwr,myrw Kulw Gu`mxw,aunHW nwl gl-bwq krnw Aqy aunHW dy
nwl iml ky Bjn gwauxw,ieh swrw ku`J krn nwl vI ,koeI myrI scweI nUM

nhIN jwx sikAw[ie`QoN qweIN ik, bu`DIjIvIAW nUM vI myrI scweI dw igAwn nhIN
hY[myry,Avqwr hox kwrx, myry kol auh SkqI hY Aqy auh idvXqw hY ik
mYN,AOKI qoN AOKI sm`isAw nUM hl kr skdw hW[myrI mihmW nUM,koeI vI vrxx
nhIN kr skdw Aqy nw hI koeI myry ivsqwr bwry jwx skdw hY[kyvl auh
lok,ijnHW myry ipAwr nUM pihcwixAw hY Aqy aus dw AnuBv kIqw hY ,auhI ieh
ivSvwS nwl kih skdy hn ik svwmI,s`c-mu`c Avqwr hn[mYnUM jwxx
leI,AwpxIAW sMswrI A`KW nwl,mYnUM vyKx dI koiSS nw kro[jd qusIN,mMdr
jWdy ho Aqy Bgvwn dI mUrqI A`gy KVy huMdy ho qW qusIN,Bgvwn nUM,AwpxIAW bMd
A`KW nwl pRwrQnw krdy ho[ieh TIk hY nw?ikaouN? ikauoN jo qusIN mihsUs krdy
ho ik myrI AMdrUnI bu`DImqw dI A`K hI,Bgvwn nUM vyK skdI hY[ies leI,myry
qoN sMswrI cIzW dI kwmnw nw kro pr Awpxy idl qoN mYnUM pRwpq krn dI kwmnw
kro[iPr quhwnUM pqw l`gy gw ik quhwnUM ikvyN aus kwmnw dI pRwpqI huMdI
hY[kyvl ipAwr dw hI iek rsqw hY ijhdI mdd nwl mnu`Kqw , myry kol Aw
skdI hY[myrw AwSIrvwd hmySw auh BgqW nUM imldw hY ijnHW dw myry nwl
ipAwr hY Aqy ijhVy, myry au`qy pUrw ivSvwS krdy hn[(19 jUn,1974 dy idvX
mn,vcn Aqy krm dI iekswrqw kwrx hI jIvn,iek pUrx jIvn kuhwauNdw

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