ESl Project

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The Project

The Project
I want you to talk about your
favourite meal
In your favorite restaurant
I want you to describe the dish. How
the dish is made, and with what
When you first ate it, and with who?

I like the Swan

I like the swan, is because the beer is
better than other pubs
I like the Swan because the Barmaids
are prettier than other pubs

She is a barmaid

This pub has more Barmaids

A pint of Doombar

When I ate my
Sunday Roast, I
drank Doombar
Doombar is
tastier than
other beers

The End

Project Rules
You must use Pictures, or materials.
PPP are good. You must have some
You must talk in the past tense.
You must make a comparison
using than. UNIT 8
Use the Vocabulary from Unit 9
You can work in pairs, or group of
three, but remember to say we We


A Sunday Roast at the Swan

My favourite meal is a Sunday roast
It is a traditional dish, eaten in Britain,
Ireland and Australia.
The Swan is a Pub, in Chiswick. The
Swan sells, Beer, Wine, and Spirits As
well as Food

This is the Swan

This is a Sunday Roast

My first Sunday roast at the

I went to the Swan, in 2006 with my
The day was quite cold
London is colder than Lima. So I
wanted to eat something hot
I looked at the menu and ordered a
Sunday Roast
It was delicious!

A Sunday Roast
A Sunday Roast
Beef, Chicken or Lamb,
is cooked in an Oven
Vegtables are boiled
Yorkshire puddings are
made, by frying oil eggs
and flower.
The potatoes are
roasted in oil, in an over.
Everything is covered in

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